Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/442

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426 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT. i ir. Interior with a Lady and a Physician. Panel. Sale. London, April 3, 1901, No. 151. lid. Four Painters. Round a table four painters, who have a some- what debauched air, sit smoking and drinking. Panel, 8 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Freiherr C. von Mergenbaum, Fran k for t-on- Main, July 13, 1846, No. 259. 12. POULTRY-DEALING AT THE WINDOW. Sm. 29.- In the centre of a handsome room a young woman sits, turned to the left. She wears a cherry-coloured jacket, a yellowish gown, and a light apron. Her feet rest on a foot-warmer ; on her lap is a lace-pillow. She looks to the left at an old woman, wearing a dark dress and a white cap, who hands a chicken through the open window. Above the window hangs a curtain. On the floor in the left foreground are a slipper and a basket of linen. At the back is a tall chimney-piece, with plates and a childish figure on the shelf. Near it is a picture. To the left is a table with a coloured cloth. In front of the chimney-piece a little white dog is barking. Signed in full on the window to the left, and dated 1672 ; panel, 14 inches by n inches. A copy on panel, 14^ inches by 12 inches was In the collection of H. van Swol, Amsterdam. Sale. Winnen of Brussels, Paris, March 12, 1866, No. 78. Another copy on canvas, 29^ inches by 24 inches was in the sale: Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 88. What was probably a third copy on panel, 14^ inches by 1 1 inches was in the sale : Lord Trimlestown and others, London, February 2, 1907, No. 29. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A. 530, as a Dou. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1762. 13. A TAILOR'S WORK-ROOM. Sm. 38. A large table is placed below a wide window, through which warm sunlight enters the work-room. The master stands on the right, cutting a light cloth. He is bearded, and wears a cap and spectacles. On the table sit two young apprentices. The one in front, seen from the back in a three-quarter view, is sewing. The man seated behind, who has no cap on his long fair hair, draws a thread from a bundle suspended from the ceiling. In the right foreground is a chair, with a jacket hanging on the back. On the wall above the table is a shelf full of cloth. In the right background are two open doors. The left door leads into an anteroom. The right door leads into another room in which a man is seated. Panel, rounded at top, 22 inches by 18 inches. In the collection of the Electoral Privy Councillor Josef von Dufrene ; bought in 1768 from his estate, according to a note on the back. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 428 ; in the store-room since 1910. 14. A SHOEMAKER IN HIS WORK-SHOP. A shoemaker in a red jacket and a fur cap sits, turned to the left, in his work-shop.