Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/443

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 427 With his right hand he cuts the sole of a shoe which he holds firmly with his left hand. He listens to the talk of a peasant woman who walks from the left towards the house door ; the upper part of the door is pushed back, but the lower part is only opened a little way. To the right, beside the shoemaker, are tools on a stool. Other tools are scattered about the room, which is lighted by four small windows, overgrown with vine, above the door. In the right corner of the background is an open arched door leading into another room. In the style of Dou, but even smoother. The lighting is monotonous. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1670 ; panel, 19^ inches by inches. Exhibited at Leyden, 1906, No. 55. Sales. Count van Plettenberg, Amsterdam, April 2, 1738 (Hoet, i. 500), No. 62 (620 florins). Middelburg, August 8, 1777, No. 131. In the Schloss, Schwerin, 1792 catalogue, p. 20, E. ii. 11. In the Schloss, Ludwigslust, 1821 catalogue, 41. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 957. 15. THE MONEY-CHANGER. A money-changer sits weigh- ing gold coins at a table with a handsome cover. Beside him stands a woman with an anxious face ; she holds a hurdy-gurdy under her left arm and has a glass in her right hand. Panel, 16 inches by 13 inches. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, 1885 catalogue, No. 486. 1 6. A Shopkeeper at his Counter. Sm. 37. Mentioned by Descamps. In the collection of Reygersberg van C.auwerven, Middelburg, 1752 (Hoet, "' 537)- 17. A Fishmonger. Through a stone archway is seen a comely woman selling fish. She rests her arm on a pail. She has a knife in her hand ; in front of her is a basket full of codfish, which have been cut up. Behind her, beside a canal lined with trees, is a fishmonger giving back money to a man and a woman who seem to have made purchases from him. Carefully painted and finely lighted. Panel, 9^ inches by 8 inches. Sale. A. de Lange, Amsterdam, December 12, 1803, No. 85 (9 florins). 1 8. A Woman selling Vegetables. A woman sits at a stall, on which lie all kinds of vegetables. In the corner is a basket very naturally painted. Panel, nj inches by 9! inches. Sale. Caspar van Citters, Rotterdam, June I, 1811, No. 112. 19. A Woman with Herrings. A comely woman has a tub of herrings on her lap, and holds one in her hand. Finished and delicately painted. 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Van Dijl, Amsterdam, January 10, 1814, No. 142 (18 florins 50).