Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/482

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466 PIETER VAN SLINGELAND SECT rests on a table. In her lap is a music-book. To the right is a fine landscape. Rendered most minutely. [Pendant to 150.] Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. S a l e , J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 21 (330 florins, Van der Vinne). 162*. Portrait of a Comely Woman. Her hair is dressed and adorned with pearls. Uncommonly tender and finished. Copper, 3^ inches by 3 inches. Sale. A. Dijkman, Amsterdam, July 17, 1794, No. 37. 163. Portrait of a Young Lady. She stands in front of a garden with statues. She holds a peach in her right hand ; with her left hand she holds up her skirt. On a pedestal at her side is a vase of flowers. Delicate finish. [Pendant to 131.] Panel, n inches by 9^ inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 1 6, 1797, No. 251 (45 florins, with pendant). 1630. A Small Portrait of a Woman. Possibly in the collection of Griffier Fagel, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 414, described as a small " Portrait of a Lady at Music "). Sale. Fagel, London, May 22, 1801, second day, No. 22 (9 : 195.) ; see Buchanan, i. 303. 163^. Portrait of a Comely Old Woman. At a window. Rendered with the utmost finish. Panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Sale. J. Caudri, Amsterdam, September 6, 1809, No. 64 (10 florins, Thomassen). 163^. Portrait of a Girl holding a Rose. Seated. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1812, No. 115. Portrait of a Woman in a Handsome Old Dutch Dress. Painted with the utmost finish. Oval copper, 4^ inches by 4 inches. Sale. Abraham de Haas, Amsterdam, November 8, 1824, No. 38 (40 florins, Brondgeest). 163*. A Small Portrait of a Woman. Sale. Parks, Brussels, May 4, 1835, No. 182. i63/ Portrait a Lady with a Fan. Panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 600. 164. Portrait of a Comely Young Lady. Half-length, seated. She wears a rich dress recalling the Spanish fashion of that day. Her hair is confined by a black cap set with a triple row of large pearls. She has