Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/483

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xx PIETER VAN SLINGELAND 467 rich ear-rings. Over her kerchief, her throat and bosom are covered with a cambric collar trimmed with a double row of broad lace and adorned in front with two jewelled brooches. This collar covers her black dress to the forearm. The colour is natural, and the light and shade good. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 5 inches by 4 inches. Sales. X. de Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 159. X. de Burtin, Brussels, November 4, 1841, No 60 (50 francs, Milich). 1640. Portrait of a Lady. Seated, lost in thought. A finished picture. Sale. Brussels, August i, 1842, No. 98. Portrait of a Young Lady as a Nymph. Sm. Suppl. 23. She holds a rose. She wears a black hat. A blue cloak is suspended by a strap over her shoulder, leaving her bosom exposed. 6 inches by 4^ inches. In the collection of M. Martini, Paris, 1842 (Sm.) ; sold by auction, March 23, 1844. 164*:. Portrait of a Woman. Extraordinarily good and finished. [Pendant to I52/.J Oval panel, 4 inches by 3^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 20, 1856, No. 177. Portrait of a Matron. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. M. Wolff, Berlin, May 25, 1857, No. 696. 165. Portrait of a Lady. Sm. 27, and Suppl. 28. Aged about thirty. She is seen in a three-quarter view, seated at a window, with a landscape beyond. She leans her right arm on the window-sill and holds in her right hand a music-book ; her left hand is on her lap. Her hair is combed back and confined by a small black velvet cap. She wears a crimson jacket and a white muslin apron. This and the pendant (155) " are exquisite examples of this elaborate master " (Sm.). Panel, 8 inches by 7 inches. In the collection of Madame Hoofman, Haarlem, 1829 and 1842 (Sm.) ; sold June 2, 1846 (to Nieuwenhuys). In the Pierard collection, Valenciennes, 1855 ; according to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. Sale. Pierard of Valenciennes, Paris, March 20, 1860, No. 74 (3050 francs, with pendant). 1 66. Portrait of a Lady. Full length. She walks in the open air on the marble pavement of a vestibule. She wears a brown dress under a white satin gown which she holds up high ; she has blue velvet ribbons round her waist and arms, lace cuffs, a string of large pearls round her neck, and ear-rings with similar pearls. A little white dog with black patches barks at her. At the back is a park. 14! inches by n|- inches.