Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/500

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484 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. an open folio, a statue of Leda and the swan, and a vase of flowers. At the back to the left is seen another room, lighted from a round window at the top. In this room are a praying-stool with a crucifix, a skull, a prayer- book, a bookshelf on the wall, a chair, and a picture of a mother and child. In the left foreground, on another table, are a water-jug and a dish. In the right foreground a little dog runs across the waxed parquet floor. Two large red curtains hang from the ceiling and are caught up at either side like the wings of a stage. A copper chandelier hangs from the ceiling, which is recessed in a hexagonal pattern. Signed in full on the chair to the left, and dated 1700; panel, 38^ inches by 31 inches. Sales. Comte d'Yvon, Paris, January 27, 1881, No. 40. J. Dollfus, Paris, May 20, 1912, No. 65. 32. LADY IN A RED DRESS. Sm. Suppl. 7. She sits at a table, drawing from a small bust of a gladiator which stands before her. Behind her is a rich embroidered curtain. [Three-quarter length. A lady, turned three-quarters left, sits at a table. She wears a scarlet bodice over a white chemise, a terra-cotta skirt with silver embroidery down the front, a pearl necklace and pearl ear-rings, and a bunch of narrow red and white ribbons in her brown hair. She is drawing on a sheet of blue paper, placed on a portfolio. On the table are small casts of a gladiator and a woman's bust of classic style, as well as an Oriental carpet and a knife with a crystal handle. Behind the lady is a brownish tapestry, possibly representing the Mocking of Christ. Translator.] Panel, u| inches by 9 inches. [Exhibited at Bethnal Green Museum, London, 1872, No. 139, under the title of " The Drawing." Translator.] Sales. F. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 21 (905 florins, Lamme). E. Higginson of Saltmarsh Castle, London, June 4, 1846 No. 57 of the 1 842 catalogue (8 r : 1 8s.) [entitled " The Dilettante"]. C. Scarisbrick, London, May II, 1861 (162 : los., Colman). In the Wallace Collection, London, 1908 catalogue, No. 243. 33. A Lady with a Sketch-Book. Sm. Suppl. 2. A comely young lady sits leaning her right arm on a table. She holds a sketch-book on her lap. She has fair hair adorned with ribbons, and wears a scarlet bodice with sleeves of the same colour and a white satin skirt. Panel, 12 inches by n| inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1833. Then in the collection of T. Raven. 34. An Artist in a Garden. A garden scene with an artist sketch- ing, and a piece of sculpture. Panel, 19^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. Britten Slee and others, London, March 25, 1901, No. 28. 35. A WOMAN SELLING FISH. She is in the recess of an arched window. She holds a basket of herrings. Beside her lie some