Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/501

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 485 onions and other accessories. Farther back sit two sailors ; one of them is smoking. Signed in full on the left ; panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1900 catalogue, No. 2485. 35*. A Blacksmith at Work. Canvas, 39^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. Mile Helene Herry, Antwerp, September 18, 1848, No. 49. 36. A Woman selling Fish. At a stone table stands a woman selling fish. She lifts a tub with a fish which she holds up to the spec- tator with a smile on her face. She wears a hat. On the table lie oyster-shells and a broken vase. At the back is a group of fishermen. On a stone balustrade lie some lilies and the woman's cloak. Sale. M , Paris, November 30, 1868, No. 77. 36*7. A Toilet Scene. A woman, and a boy pouring water. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 588), No. 248 (29 florins). 37. A Toilet Scene. In a room a lady in white satin stands at her toilet-table. Beside her is a man-servant holding a washing-basin and a jug. Behind the lady stands a maid fastening on her wrap. Near her a little dog jumps up on a chair. Good and delicately finished. Panel, 32 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 22, 1771, No. 21 (230 florins, Van der Schley). 38. A Lady washing her Hands. Sm. 7. A young lady, seen almost in full face, stands washing her hands in a large silver basin held by a page, who pours out water from a jug. She wears a blue jacket and a white satin skirt, both embroidered with silver. At her side is a chair over which a red velvet mantle trimmed with ermine is loosely hung. Behind the lady is a bed. Spirited and broad in style. Panel, 15^ inches by 12 inches. Sales. H. Aarentz, Amsterdam, April 11, 1700, No. 43 (540 florins, Van Diemen for Braamcamp). G. Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 149 (550 florins, C. Ploos van Amstel). 39. A Toilet Scene. In a room a lady stands, being dressed by her maid-servant. With accessories. Tenderly painted. Dated 1 66 1 or 1662 ; panel, 24! inches by 21 inches. Sales.}. A. van Kinschot, Delft, July 21, 1767 (Terw. 610), No. 47 but No. 48 of the original catalogue (15 florins 75, Twent) ; dated 1662. J. Pompe van Meerdervoort, Soeterwoude, May 19, 1780, No. 38 (29 florins, Wubbels). 40. A Toilet Scene. Sm. 13. A lady in a blue silk bodice and a white satin skirt stands in profile at a table with a cover, on which are a candlestick and a mirror. She draws a ring from a finger of her left hand before washing in the golden basin held by a page in a rich Spanish costume.