Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/505

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 489 and carries a market-pail on her right arm. Behind the lady is a green silk curtain with tassels. Many accessories. Very good. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of H. Verschuuring, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 474). Sales. J. Viet, Amsterdam, October 12, 1774, No. 153 (130 florins, Wubbels). V , Amsterdam, May 19, 1779, No. 114 (30 florins, Cruys). Juda van Benjamin the elder, Amsterdam, November 4, 1782, No. 34. 50. An Interior. In a room a young lady, wearing a red jacket trimmed with white fur and a blue skirt, sits at a table. She holds a child on her lap ; at her side is a little dog. A maid-servant stands behind her near a cradle and a child's chair. On a table, which has a cover, are flowers in a flask, a book, and a bowl of broth. Accessories. Delicately painted. Panel, 1 7 inches by 1 3^ inches. Sale. L. Bouman and others, Leyden, August 24, 1802, No. 7 (60 florins). 51. A Woman at the Fireside. Interior. A woman stands at the hearth, lighting the fire. At the side are a chair and other accessories. Well painted. Panel, 12^ inches by 9 inches. Sale. Van Dijl, Amsterdam, January 10, 1814, No. 120 (25 florins 50). 52. Interior of a Kitchen. In a kitchen a maid -servant stands beside a cask, on which she scours a pewter plate. In front of her are a stone fire extinguisher and various other kitchen utensils. At the back a woman sits by the fireside. Other accessories. Delicately finished. Canvas. Sales. Amsterdam, December 3, 1827, No. 41 (92 florins, Meyer). Amsterdam, March 24, 1828, No. 66 (44 florins, Van Campen). 53. A Lady and a Maid-Servant. Sm. 18. A young lady wear- ing a white satin bodice and a dull red skirt sits in a chair with her back to the spectator. She stretches out her hand to take something from a table with a blue cloth. A maid-servant stands on the farther side of the table, holding a salver and ewer. Canvas, 14 inches by n inches. In the possession of O'Neil, London, 1832 (Sm.). 54. The Lace-Maker. Delicately finished. [Pendant to 54^.] Panel, i8| inches by 1 6 inches. Sale. A. Oberman and others, Amsterdam, March 31, 1846, No. 63 (28 florins, with pendant, Beukman). 54-a. A Girl sewing. Delicately finished. [Pendant to 54.] Panel, 18^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. A. Oberman and others, Amsterdam, March 31, 1846, No. 63 (28 florins, with pendant, Beukman). 55. A LADY FAINTING. Sm. 23. A lady of rank, wearing a white satin skirt and a red jacket trimmed with fur, is fainting after having