Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/506

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490 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. been bled. She lies on the floor, and two women and the physician attend her. One woman kneels on the right behind her, raising her head and shoulders, and holding with the left hand a restorative for her to smell. This woman wears a dark fur-trimmed jacket and a hood, and watches the patient with an attentive air. The other woman, who wears a flowered skirt and an ample gown, stands on the left, holding the patient's right arm, and looks to the left where a little girl stands weeping. Behind the women stands the physician, a beardless man with a dark cap. He bends forward over the patient and lays his right hand on her shoulder. On the left is a table with a Turkey carpet pushed back ; upon it is a jug. On the floor in front are a plate and a sponge. In the right lower corner of the fore- ground is a richly decorated salver with a precious metal ewer. In the background to the right is the chimney-piece ; to the left is the bed. Signed in full, and dated 1680; panel, rounded at top, 20 J inches by 17 inches. In the collection of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (who died 1716), DUsseldorf (Van Gool, ii. 563). In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 436 ; in the store- room since 1910. 56. A WOMAN SLEEPING. Three-quarter length. The woman sits turned to the left on a chair, upon the arm of which she leans her right elbow ; her right hand hangs down loosely and her left hand rests on her lap. She bends down her head in her sleep. She has fair hair. She wears a red bodice with short ribbons which are cut away at the neck, a white lace collar, and a yellow silk skirt. To the left is a marble table, partly covered with a white cloth ; on the other side are a shallow silver cup and a dish. In the left background is a dark curtain. In the centre are clouds in the sky. To the right are the marble side of a window and a chimney-piece. Panel, 10 inches by 13^ inches. In the collection of Daniel Mesman, bequeathed in 1834 to Cambridge University. In the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 1902 catalogue, No. 394. 57. A YOUNG WOMAN AT BREAKFAST. She sits in profile to the left, dressed in a red gown and a white satin bodice, and holds a glass. On a table beside her are an earthenware jug and food on a plate. Above the table is a red parrot. Signed ; panel, 10 inches by 8| inches. In the collection of De Bourguignon de Fabregoules, Aix ; given by his son J. B. M. de Bourguignon de Fabregoules in 1860 to the museum. In the Aix Museum, Provence, 1900 catalogue, No. 320. 58. A MAN AND A WOMAN. A man tries to fill a woman's glass ; she draws it away. In the collection of Count S. Stroganoff, St. Petersburg. 59- A YOUNG LADY AT TABLE. Sm. 29. She wears a white satin bodice with crimson satin ribbons and a red silk skirt. She