Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/507

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 491 sits in a red easy-chair at a table, holding in one hand a plate of oysters and slices of lemon and in the other hand a fork. On the table is a silver salver, with a china jug on it. Signed in full, and dated 1665 ; 12 inches by io| inches. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna, 1885 catalogue, No. 475 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm., who valued it at ^126). 60. A Young Lady with Cracknels. A young lady in a white dress with a woollen apron sits on a chair, upon which she leans with one hand, while she points with the other to a plate of cracknels held out to her by a negro servant. She is about to give a cracknel to her dog. In front, at her side, is a gentleman, holding a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other. To the left is a table with a cloth ; on it is a faience dish full of fruit. A good picture. Canvas, 20 inches by i6| inches. Sale. P. A. J. Knijff, Antwerp, July 18, 1785, No. 203. 61. LADIES PLAYING CARDS. A characteristic picture. Exhibited at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1904, No. 368. In the collection of J. van Alen, Rushton Hall, Kettering. 62. Two Card-Players. In the collection of J. Lenglart, Lille. 62a. A Lady and a Gentleman playing Cards. Sale. C. Troost, S. Arensklauw, and others, Amsterdam, March 16, 1750, No. 1 60. 63. The Backgammon-Players. In the foreground of a furnished room a gentleman stands at a table with a cover, on which is a backgammon - board. He is playing with another gentleman standing near, who is about to move his pieces. Beside him sits a third gentleman, sucking his pipe and watching the game attentively. Well characterised and very delicately finished. Panel, 25! inches by 19 inches. Sale. P. Calkoen, Amsterdam, September 10, 1781, No. TOO (112 florins, Gildemeester). 63*7. Backgammon-Players. A party of ladies and gentlemen in old Dutch dress play backgammon. Panel. Sale. L. van Oukerke, Haarlem, May 19, 1818, No. 23 (5 florins 5, Engesmet). 64. LADIES PLAYING CARDS. In an interior two ladies sit playing cards. A cavalier and a page stand behind them. Signed, and dated 1662 ; 27 inches by 23^ inches. Exhibited by the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi, 1896, No. 9. Sale. Alfred Buckley and others, London, May 4, 1901, No. 130.