Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/508

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492 EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER SECT. 65. A LADY TUNING A LUTE. Sm. 3. A lady in a light blue silk gown and a reddish-grey jacket trimmed with white fur sits lean- ing her left elbow on a table. She is tuning a lute. She is seen in full face, and looks towards the left. On the table, on which a Turkey carpet is pushed back, lie a guitar and a music-book. To the right is a pillared chimney-piece. In the back-wall, which is divided by a pilaster, is a richly decorated door. The picture is a partial copy of Metsu 146 (Kassel) ; it is wrongly described by Sm. under Metsu 114. Signed on the left at foot ; panel, 14^ inches by n inches. In the possession of W. Lormier, The Hague, who sold it in 1754 to De la Bouexiere, Paris, from whom Le Leu bought it in the same year for Dresden. In the Dresden Gallery, 1905 catalogue, No. 1671. 66. CAVALIER SINGING AND PLAYING A VIOLIN. Sm. 14. A well-dressed gentleman with long wavy hair sits on the left at a table ; he plays the violin and sings. He has a slight moustache and looks before him away to the right. He wears a cuirass over a slashed doublet and a white under-garment. His red velvet cap, with blue and white feathers, lies on the table beside a music-book. "A highly-finished picture" (Sm.). [Half-length. Translator.'} Panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. Engraved by C. L. Lingee in the Le Brun Gallery. Sales. Willem van Wouw and others, The Hague, May 29, 1764 (Terw. 359), No. 30 but No. 184 of the original catalogue (96 florins). J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 229 (250 florins, Le Febre). Chevalier Lambert et Du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (962 francs). [In the collection of John Slater, 1833 (Sm.). Translator.] Sales. E. W. Lake, London, May 6, 1845 (51 : ios., R. Artis). R. Artis, London, May 17, 1851 (31 : ios.). C. Scarisbrick, London, 1 86 1 (90 : 6s., Graham-Gilbert). In the collection of John Graham-Gilbert, Glasgow ; bequeathed by his widow to the city in 1877. In the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1911 catalogue, No. 688. 67. A LADY PLAYING THE LUTE. Three-quarter length. A richly dressed lady, seen in full face and looking straight before her, sits playing the lute at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which lies a music-book. She has her hair in ringlets and wears ear-rings. She has a light satin dress with a wide brocade trimming and a dark wrap, leaving her neck bare. Behind her to the left is a curtain. Behind her to the right the wall is decorated with a pilaster and two large figures in niches. Signed in full, and dated 1677 ; panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. Sale.]. P. Wierman, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762 (Terw. 261), No. 51 (152 florins, Lormier). In the Karlsruhe Gallery, 1894 catalogue, No. 279. f| A GENTLEMAN SEATED AND A LADY AT MUSIC. A lady in a satin jacket and red skirt plays the mandoline. On a red easy-chair at her side sits a well-dressed gentleman. At the back is a fine canopied bed.