Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/509

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xxi EGLON HENDRIK VAN DER NEER 493 Canvas, 24 inches by 2o| inches. Bought in 1760 for the Copenhagen Museum as a Ter Borch. In the Copenhagen Museum, 1904 catalogue, No. 243. 69. A COUPLE AT MUSIC. In a landscape a lady accompanies on the guitar a gentleman who is singing. Very delicately finished but much darkened by time. Panel, i inches by 15^ inches. In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, 1885 catalogue, No. 173 ; it was there in 1854 (Waagen, ii. 9). 70. A LADY WITH A LUTE. A lady in white satin plays the lute. She has her back to the spectator ; her face is in profile. To the left behind the table is a gentleman who looks at the lady ; his grey hat lies in front of him. The table is covered with a rich Turkey carpet. To the right is a door. In the collection of J. Crathern, Montreal ; as a Ter Borch. 71. A LADY WITH A LUTE. Sm. 24. Three-quarter length. A fair-haired lady, dressed in white satin with a rich wrap, is tuning her lute ; she looks over her right shoulder at a music-book. A green curtain is drawn aside on the right to reveal a piece of sumptuous architecture. Signed in full on the pedestal, and dated 1678 ; panel, 17 inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of Johann Wilhelm, Elector Palatine (who died in 1716), Diisseldorf (Van Gool, ii. 566). In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1911 catalogue, No. 435 ; it was there in 1833 (Sm.). 72. A LADY PLAYING THE MANDOLINE. In the collection of F. Flersheim, Paris. 73. A LADY PLAYING THE LUTE. A lady seated, seen in full face but looking to the left, plays the lute. She wears a satin dress cut low at the neck with a gold embroidered bodice and a red jacket trimmed with fur. On a table to the left are a music-book, a silver jug, and a statuette of a boy with a shell. In the right centre is a view of another room. The walls are divided by rich pilasters. Signed in full on the right at top, and dated 1695 ; panel, 15^ inches by 13 inches. In the collection of Count Eduard Raczynski, Ragolin, Posen. 74. A GENTLEMAN WITH A LADY AT MUSIC. At a finely decorated spinet a young lady sits in profile to the right ; she looks down thoughtfully, and plays a lute which she holds on her lap. She wears a pink satin gown and a white satin jacket adorned with red ribbons. To the right, behind the spinet, sits a young gentleman in black, with a white collar and long hair. He holds a wine-glass and looks at the spectator. Dark background with a curtain to the left.