Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/58

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42 GERARD TER BORCH SECT. watching the game ; on the right is a big and stately man who is also looking on. Of the early period. Signed to the left on the tablecloth " G. T." (the letters one above the other), but this is not a monogram ; panel, i6| inches by 22 inches. Sales. G. van der Pot, Rotterdam, June 6, 1808, No. 123 (325 florins, Steenstra). J. C. C. Burchard, Bremen, March 14, 1844, No. 72. In the collection of J. H. Albers ; bequeathed by him in 1856 to the Bremen Kunstverein. In the Bremen Kunsthallc, 1892 catalogue, No. 135. 109. The Backgammon- Players. Sm. 38. Two soldiers in buff" coat and cuirass play backgammon. Other soldiers, smoking pipes, look on. [Sm. suspected that this was by G. van den Eeckhout.] Canvas, 17 inches by 14! inches. Sales. J. Tonneman, Amsterdam, October 21, 1754 (Terw. 97), No. 17 (157 florins). Bicker and Wijkersloot, Amsterdam, July 19, 1809, No. 6 (635 florins, Nieuwenhuys). no. Soldiers playing Backgammon. On the right stands a soldier, who moves a piece. Another soldier standing on the left leans his head on his right hand and looks on earnestly. Behind the table is a third man, watching. On the back wall are a map and a clothes-hook. To the left is a window. Described from an anonymous print in the British Museum. in. A CARD-PARTY. Sm. 58, and Suppl. 19. A lady in a rich white satin gown with a pink bodice and a fur tippet sits on the left with her back to the spectator, holding her cards down in her lap. Another lady, her adversary, wearing a blue satin gown with a silver grey bodice embroidered in gold, sits opposite, facing the spectator, and looks at her cards. On the right, beside the first lady, sits a well-dressed gentleman who advises her as to the game. On the table, which is covered with a Turkey carpet, are a jug and a silver salver. Three- quarter length. " A clear and most delightful production " (Sm.). Canvas on panel, 26 inches by 21 inches. Possibly identical with a picture in the collection of Julienne, Paris, mentioned by Descamps (1753). Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1867, No. 194 measuring 18 inches by 14 inches ; at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1900, No. 4 ; and by the London dealers T. Lawrie, 1903, No. 19. In the Van Loon collection, Amsterdam, 1827 measuring 18 inches by 14^ inches (Sm.) ; sold with the collection in 1887 to the Rothschilds. In the collection of Alfred de Rothschild, London. In the collection of Arthur Sanderson, Edinburgh. In the collection of Marcus Kappel, Berlin. 112. A CARD-PARTY. Sm. 74. A lady in a light flowing robe, seen from the back, sits at a table, holding her cards. She turns her head to the left towards a gentleman in black, with long curls, who stands