Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/57

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xvii GERARD TER BORCH 41 105. THE STUDIOUS YOUTH. Sm. Suppl. 23. A young man with bushy brown hair, dressed in brown with red breeches, sits in profile to the right on a cane-bottomed chair, reading a book attentively. Beside him is a cask on which are a jug and a sword. Behind the cask stands a gun. Three-quarter length. " Painted in a broad and masterly manner" (Sm.). Signed on the cask with the monogram ; canvas, 17 inches by 14^ inches. In the Palace, Schwerin, 1792 catalogue, p. 89, O. 20. In the Palace, Ludwigslust, 1821 catalogue, No. 168 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). In the Schwerin Museum, 1890 catalogue, No. 1012. 105.7. A Man reading-. 13! inches by io inches. Sales. Amsterdam, June 5, 1754, No. 113. Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 21. 1 06. A Girl reading and a Gentleman. In a room a young girl sits bending over a table and attentively reading a book which she holds with both hands. Beside her sits a gentleman. On the table are an inkpot, paper, and a letter. In the background is a tent-shaped four- post bed. Well and naturally painted. Canvas, 21 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 17, 1775, No. 3. io6a. A Woman reading. A woman in old Dutch costume sits in an armchair at a table, reading a book. Sale. J. Wijsman and others, Amsterdam, November 24, 1828, No. 172. 107. A Woman reading aloud. On the right a young woman, richly dressed in velvet and satin, sits on a red chair, reading a letter aloud to a young man who stands behind her and leans over her shoulder. In the right-hand corner is a dog. On the left a man, who is filling his pipe, sits at a table with a handsome cloth, on which are an open book, playing-cards, drinking-glasses, and a candlestick. Carefully executed. Canvas, 18 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at Cologne, 1840, No. 179. Sale. J. G. Riedinger, Cologne, July 19, 1841, No. 76. 108. THE BACKGAMMON-PLAYERS. A man, seen from the back, sits on a chest, smoking a long clay pipe j he wears a large white collar and a black hat. Beside him is a woman with a white cap, a white hood, a brown jacket, and a black skirt. In the foreground, in front of these figures, sits a well-dressed cavalier with brown hair ; he wears a large black hat, a white collar, a grey silk jacket, a dark grey cloak, and yellowish-brown breeches. He stretches out his hand across a backgammon board, to move a piece. Opposite him sits his adversary, who has long fair hair and a fair beard, and wears a black silk costume with a white collar and cuffs. He holds his right hand on his breast, while his left hand lies flat on the tablecloth. On the left stands a youth