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Bernhard, who constantly frequented our house, though his character did not suffer him to assist in all our banquets, happened that night to be of our party. Count S******i also was present; and both being in an uncommonly merry humour, they entertained the company with a relation of our little Bacchanals at Toledo. The recollection of those merry scenes reminded me, by a natural association of ideas, of the separation of our society, and of the fate of its individual members. I recollected that one was seduced by an Italian singer to abandon our cheerful circle; that a second was called away by family affairs; that a third was intoxicated by something mixed with his wine. The latter idea made me start up with a loud scream. "Heavenly powers!" thought I, "should, perhaps, the unnatural state of my mind and body be the effect of a similar cause?" I hurried out of my bed. The dining room was separated from my bed-chamber only by two apartments. Iput