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put a night-gown on, and went with the greatest precaution thither, to ascertain my supposition, if possible. The glasses were still upon the table; the servants being used to remove every thing in the morning when the company stayed too long. The dawn of morning peeped already through the windows, and enabled me to discern every object without difficulty. I began to examine the glasses, but with very little hope of success, as it also was possible that something might have been mixed in my plate; nay, it even appeared to me to have been too hazardous to attempt mixing an inebriating drug with my wine or water; though I was so much absorpt in thought, that I perhaps should not have taken the least notice of whole clouds of impurity in my glass. My apprehension soon was confirmed beyond contradiction; for I discovered in one of the glasses, standing near the place where I had sat, a whitish matter on the bottom, which undoubtedly was the re-mainder