Page:Horse shoes and horse shoeing.djvu/717

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Holland, horse-sandals in, 318.

Homer, 15.

Hoof-pick, ancient, 263.

Horace on buying horses, 44.

Horn, used for shoes, 93, 227; for armour, 155.

Hot shoes applied to feet, 551, 560, 670.

Hughes, Archbishop, 373.

Hunting, Xenophon on, 26; Old English, 279.

Imbedded shoes, 481, 574.

Importance of shoeing to civilization, 609.

Imprints of horse-shoes (supposed), 274.

Ina, laws of, 277.

Ine, King, laws about smiths, 353.

Inflamed feet, treatment of, 54, 69, 71, 463.

Introduction of shoeing and effects, 611.

Ireland, Priest smiths in, 350.

Iron works, antiquity of, 175, 336, 354.

Italian veterinary science, 395, 456.

Jamaica, horses of, 10.

Japan, absence of iron shoes from, 89; straw shoes, 90; horse-equipment, 92; bulls shod in, 60, 93.

Java, stables in, 9; smiths of, 361; riding mares in, 278.

Jekyl's shoe, 534

Job, Saint, 357.

Jodoigne, antiquities at, 186,

Jointed shoes, 449, 528, 534.

Jordanus Ruffus, 399.

Jura, ancient horse-shoes found in the, 171, 179, 336.

Kamschatka, dogs' socks, 27.

Kawe, the Persian smith, 361.

Keh, Gaulish, 128.

Kirghiz mode of shoeing, 94.

Koran, probable mention of shoeing in, 214.

Koridwen, 363.

Lafosse on farriery, 472; the younger, 494.

Lancaster, Earl of, 410; town of, Horse-shoe corner, 439.

Lateran, council of, 279.

Laurentius Rusius, 396.

Legends concerning horse-shoes, 272, 339; shoeing, 339, 361.

Leggings, 26.

Lemnisci, 72.

Leudates, the first maréchal, 370.

Lombard horses, 430.

London, shoes found in, 251, 427; Saxon, 276, 283; hipposandals, 313.

Longfellow, on horses at funerals, 110; on importance of smiths, 362.

Louis L, shoeing during reign of, 162.

Louterell Psalter, 400, 407.

Lunette shoes, 448, 469, 504.

Lycian shoes, 211.

Lynne, King Charles at, 453.

Machine-made shoes, 518, 543, 556, 537, 597, 606.

Manilla, stables in, 9, 49.

Manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon, 287, 352; French, 393, 433; Old English, 400.

Marco Polo, 8, 107, 227.

Maréchal ferrant, 383.

Mares, not ridden, 278.

Mareschal, derivation of, 165, 369.

Mareschals, early, 371; duties of, 373; frequent mention of, 375, 376, 378, 382.

Markham on farriery, 462.

Marshall, Walter, 377.

Marshall-ferrer, 380.

Marston Moor, shoe from, 455.

Mavor's shoe, 556.

Megnin, treatises on farriery, 13, 560; remarks by, 124, 145, 152. 165, 338, 627,628, 682.

Meopham, shoe found at, 392.

Miles, on shoeing, 544.

Mimming, biting, 344.

Mithridates, 34.

Mongols, do not use shoes, 8.

Monks, equestrian predilections of, 279.

Montfauçon, 35, 47, 79, 102.

Moonwort, superstition concerning, 388.

Moorcroft on shoeing, 516.

Morte d'Arthur, 343.

Morton, tenure of manor, 296.

Mounted horse, being shod, 37.

Mules not shod, in Abyssinia or Ethiopia, 7; disgrace to ride, 100; preferred by Romans, 609.