Page:Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines.djvu/357

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Houses of the Kutchin 109
Makah Indians 112
Mandans and Minnetarees 125
Maricopas and Mohaves 130
Nyack Indians 118
Pueblo Taos 182
Uxmal 256
Village Indians 104, 132
Virginia Indians 115
ruins of, in Yucatan and Central America 251
safe against Indian assault 213
Howitt, A. W., on Australian customs 70
Idols at Copan 257
Indian society unlike European 225
Indians, house life of the 199
of Mexico and Central America, communal dwellings of the 75
tenure of lands 84
New Mexico, communal dwellings of the land customs of the 74
Northwest coast, communal dwellings of the 70
Peru, communism of the 77
Southern, communal dwellings of the 68
eating customs of the 100
Inheritance, customs of 94
Iroquois, communal dwellings of the 64
communion among 65
confederacy 23
cohesive principles of 33
democratic 40
founded on kinship 33
general features of the 28
origin of the 27
seat of the central tribes 35
Council, annual meeting of the 35
decisions of the 37
objects of the 35
eating customs of the 99, 102, 101
gens 6
rights, privileges, and obligations 7
gentes, number of the 11
list of the 7
hospitality of the 45
houses of the, described 120
lands of the 80
Long-House 31, 34, 120
migration of the 25
mother rights 66
number of, in existence 26
number of the 26
phratries 19
phratry, functions and uses 11
objects of the 11
sachemships of the 29
table of the 30
sachems, names bestowed upon 32
tribal epithets 36
government 32
war chiefs 38
Ives, J. C, cited 56, 141, 144
Jackson, W. H 155, 162, 171
cited 158,164, 171
Jaramillo, Juan, cited 135, 169, 205
Joliet, L 53
Jones, S., cited 109
Joso, J 152
Jus gentilicium 7
Kern 161
Kinship, rights and duties of, among the Aztecs 250
rights, duties, and obligations of 250
Kin the basis of gentes 3
Kootenays 69
Kutchin, houses of the 109
Lauds, division of 89
of the Iroquois 80
ownership of, in common 79, 85
severally 81
of Village Indians, rights in 149
tenure of, among ancient Mexicans 84
Languages, stock, number of 20
great number of, among American aborigines 20
verbal, incapable of permanence 19
Lapham, J. A 203
Las Casas, B. de, cited 253
Latin and Sabine gentes, coalescence of 34
Lewis and Clarke, cited 50, 51, 52, 53, 70, 110, 111
Lintels of Pueblos of Mexico 181
wood and stone 273
Lolsel 106
Long-House of the Iroquois described 120
Onondaga described 123
symbol of the Iroquois Confederacy 34
Maine 122
Maize indigenous to America 193
Makah Indians, houses of the 112
Mandan drying scaffolds 128
houses, interior of the 27
ladders 192
Mandans, communal dwellings of the 72
eating customs of the 100
hospitality of the 50
houses of the 125, 210
Maicos, Friar 170
Male Labor, first appearance of 128
Maricopas, houses of the 130
Marquette, J., cited 53, 54
Marsh, O. C 202
Maximilian, Prince 126
Mayas, communism in living 264
of the 75
cremation among 220
gentes of the 8
hospitality of the 59
of Yucatan 220
Meals, customs relating to 99
separation of the sexes at 102
Mexican houses, size of the 232
usually two stories high 229
land ownership, conclusions concerning 97
Mexicans, ancient inheritance among 95