Page:Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines.djvu/358

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Mexican tribes, migration of the 194
Mexico, pueblo of 84, 222, 228
council-house 88
largest in America 238
Migration of the Iroquois 25
Migrations occur through physical causes 190
Miller, D. J., cited 82, 135, 147, 152
Minnetarces, houses of the 125, 210
Mishonginivi, pueblo of, described 141
Mitchell H. L 188
Mohaves, houses of the 130
Mohegan gentes and phratries 16
Moki confederacy 23
house, interior 143
Pueblos 141
Montezuma 222
a war chief 248
house of 225
Montezuma's dinner 227, 237
palace 234
Mortar, use of among American Indians 177
Mound-Builders 193
arts and industries of the 200, 219
circular inclosures of the 214
cremation among the 215
derived from Village Indians of New Mexico 193
earth-works, uses of 202
houses of the 198
in Middle Status of barbarism 199
migrations of the 201
migrations of, affected by climate 201
modification of house architecture 206
probable number of 218
probably derived from New Mexico 201
social organization of the 215
structures of, in Ohio 207
Mound, Grave Creek 215
Mounds at Mound City 216
Murphy, H.C 118
Nation, a coalition of tribes 18
National Assembly, functions of 22
Ncerchokioo 110
Nez Percés, hospitality of the 51
Norman, B. M., cited 179, 257, 273
Nyack Indians, houses of the 11
Ojibwa gentes 8
lodge, description of 113
Omaha gentes 8
Onondaga, Long-House of the, described 123
Onondagas, liospitality of the 46
Onondaga village described 124
Organization, social and governmental 1
Otoes 115, 257
Ottawa confederacy 23
Ownership of lands in severalty 81
Palonque architecture 269
so-called palace of the 268
Parker, William, a Seneca chief 65
Peru, tenure of lands in 91
Phrara of the Albanians 1
Phrartic organization at funerals 13
Phratries, Chickasa 16
Chocta 15
composed of kindred gentes 11
Mohegan 16
of the Iroquois 10
Thlinkit 17
Phratry, existence of the, in Mexico and Central America 14
in the military organisation 15
Iroquois, functions and uses 11
objects of 11
marriage in the 10
older than the confederacy 11
the 9
Pimas, hospitality of the 57
Plant life in the Rocky Mountains 193
Pomeiock, village of, described 115
Powell, J. W 135
Powers, Stephen, cited 53, 106, 107
Powhatan Indians, communal dwellings of the 67
Prescott, W. H 224
Pueblo of Chetro Kettle, size of the 214
Mexico 84, 222, 228
Pueblos, number of persons in 204
of North America, number of inhabitants 231
Yucatan and Central America, population of 251
size of 203
Quatmozin 59
Quelenes 252
Raleigh, Sir Walter 47
Religious beliefs 151
seclusion 153
Rights in lands among the Indians of Taos 149
Robertson, cited 102
Round towers 119
Ruins, east of the Rio Grande 186
in McElmo cañon 189
the San Juan district 192
near base of Ute Mountain 190
in Mexico 186
of houses in Now Mexico 154
the pueblo of Bonito 156, 163
Hungo Pavie 156, 160
Alto 166
Chetro Kettle 161
Peñasca Blanca 165
Pintado 156
Una Tida 160
Wegegi 159
Zayi 178
Arroyo 164
on the Animas River 172
outline plan of 185
Sachems of the Iroquois, names bestowed upon 32
Sachemships of the Iroquois Confederacy 26
table of 30