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Too much food, too much exercise, and too much education are among the worst foes of the memory.

Fat persons should eat less, drink less, sleep less, work harder, and they will soon weigh less.

The heart is a big muscle; and its health and strength of action depend much on its moderate use.

Fatty degeneration of the heart is often caused by eating rich and starchy foods; by alcoholic drinks, and by neglect of moderate daily exercise. The heart, like the rest of the system, grows weak and flabby for want of use. A sudden call is made upon one in time of danger to exert his physical strength, the heart is weak, it stops. Another man dies before his time because he neglected to strengthen his heart by moderate exercise.

The best medical authorities tell us that heart disease would not claim so many victims if it was kept strong by moderate exercise. Straining muscular exercise; over use of stimulants, sensualism, laziness, and gluttony develop many fatal heart troubles.

Mountain-climbing, going upstairs, the stationary runs, and the class run, with arm-expressions, will strengthen the heart and deepen the breathing.

Don't always be guided by your feelings in the matter of exercise; for when one feels like taking exercise the least, that is just the time he generally needs to take it the most.

No kind of manual labor develops the body equally. This is why all need gymnasium work.

Nervous persons should do all their exercises slowly. Not in the quick and jerky manner that they generally do them.

Very little exercise will keep one in a good physical condition after he once gets there.

Wearing wide-soled and low-heeled foot-wear; and pressing hard on the toes on the end of each stride (like a tragedian's slow walk), will greatly aid in enlarging the legs.

Walking on the tiptoes morning and night, while dressing and undressing, uses the legs mightily. You just try it. Parts grow by use.

The quickest way to develop the legs is to wear proper footgear, and do a great amount of moderately slow running on tiptoes.

Walking on the heels will develop the shin muscles, that feel