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the strain so quickly in fast walking. Also raise sharply on heels. Bathing the legs in cold salt~water after vigorously using them, then rubbing them hard, aids in increasing their size.

Violent exercise that strains the body, or of a kind that is short in duration, like quick, short runs, will do more harm than good; affecting heart, lungs, and groins.

Rheumatism is due to over-abundance of lactic acid in blood; when the skin acts badly, its twinges are felt. Plain food, exercise, and tepid bathing is the remedy.

Lactic acid is eliminated only from the kidneys and skin; hence when the skin from neglect of exercise and bathing acts poorly, this acid gathers in body; result rheumatism.

Persons with weak lungs should bathe regularly; as the skin helps these organs in the thorough performance of their vital functions.

Mechanically a dirty skin hinders the passage of noxious elements from within; and the admission of salubrious elements from without; actually dirt stops up the sewers of the skin.

Vitally an inactive skin throws extra work upon the lungs and kidneys; and if it does not disease these organs; it will wear them out prematurely. Bathing corrects this.

The kidneys or lungs, acting as vicarious organs of elimination for the pores of a neglected skin, are liable to become diseased; and thus cause kidney or consumptive trouble.

Sponge-baths, in health should be neither cold nor hot; not chilling skin by one or relaxing it by the other; water to be little lower in temperature than body.

Excessive use of muscle weakens brain: exclusive use of mind waste muscle; in either case the oil of life works a part of the body, which is wrong.

The rule for health of mind and body lies in a temperate use of all parts of our organization over which the will-power has control. This gives symmetrical proportions.

The organ most misused is the one through which death begins its work. Take care that brains, lungs, skin, stomach, kidneys and muscles have only their own work to do.

When muscles are overworked, their action becomes tremulous; they waste; their substance becomes rheumatic: and generally result in bringing on untimely decay.

When you cannot take a bath, a short vigorous towelling of the