Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/1042

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Borrower-a b. of the night 556 IS is servant to the lender 81 13 nor lender be 81 16 not bettered by the b 599 8 Borrowers-is that of the b 81 9 we are all wholesale b 599 13 Borroweth-he that b 103 17 Borrowing-dulls the edge of 81 15 is not much better 65 6 kind of b. as this 599 8 relied on b 826 9 to be a buying or b 654 16 who goeth a b 81 17 Borrows-gives, but b. none 693 6 Bos-optat epbippia b. piger 94 17 Bosen-zu des B. Haus 889 19 den B. sind sie los 239 26 die B. sind geblieben. 239 2ft Boses-immer B. muss gebaren. . . 241 2 Bosom-and rising b 469 18 around his burning b 238 18 bears on its b 245 7 believe the b. of a friend 284 6 black as death 666 15 calm on the b. of thy God 669 13 cleanse the stuff'd b 503 27 dyed her tender b. red '. .676 3 bade upon that b. warm 457 18 fills my b. when I sigh 707 8 float on the b. of faith 665 8 friend of my b 298 18 from the mountain's b 791 4 from thy full b. to thy 61 10 gory points thy b. pressed 676 4 go to your b., knock 266 25 her b. snowy white 772 8 he's in Arthur's b 361 17 in an aged b 129 7 in a narrow b 99 26 he in a great queen's b 465 4 lives in Abraham's b. . . .305 4, 359 19 my b.'s lord sits lightly 203 23 of a friend will hold 695 19 of a man like smoke 27 20 of Father Thames 75 5 of God is the wild 810 1 of her Lord 230 9 of him gave fire to it 394 13 ofhiaFather 107 7 of that harmony 537 15 on the b. of the Year 723 17 out of the b. of the Air 723 5 overflows from full b 312 4 placed in thy b. bare 681 17 plant in that b. a thorn 721 17 points her enamoured b 769 1 sad in my b. hide 470 1 seizes the trusting b 811 20 slip into my b 863 20 steps follow with my b. bare.. .391 8 sweetly thy green b. rises 400 17 the b. of our rest 361 10 to earth's b. bare 614 12 unadorned b. of the deep 567 18 up thy counsel 11 8 vale in whose b -546 15 white as hawthorn 60 1 weight, stubborn gift 597 1 wife of thy b 869 4 with a glory in his b 295 9 within its b. sleep 763 10 wring his b 702 8 Bosoms-brassy b. and rough 87 9 clouds their chilly b. bare 723 2 find in our ownb 711 23 frozen b. of our part 856 11 gold used to brush their b 347 18 home to men's business and b.. 85 8 pastime to harder b 547 9 prest to little harpB 511 11 pulses in our b. roll 319 21 quiet to quiok b. is a hell 362 14 reasons turn into your b 510 9 swan-like I >., the necklace 271 2 Bosphor-America to B.'s waters.. 811 4 Boaton-from good old B 801 26 play uppe O B. bells 07 16 Thucydides at B 688 1 when I wish to go to B 657 8 see also Boston pp. 81 , 82 Bo'sun-tight and nudshipmite. . .548 24 Bosworth-proved in B. field 860 8 Botanize-upon mother's grave. . .106 11 Botoh-might not mako no 95 S Bother-B. it I occasionally say. . . 773 22 Botschaft-die B. hor' ich 254 21 Bottle-a little for the b 205 8 desire to a b. of hay 189 16 inb. loptaway 729 21 invented this leathern b 206 3 large cold b 211 13 like the contents of a b 443 23 needle in a b. of hay 641 8 nor a b. to give him 297 15 out of his leathern b 135 15 the sun of our table . ._ 206 21 wine in b. does not quench. . . .875 12 Bottles-cannot drink five b 98 22 sweet is old wine in b 875 2 Bottom-dregs at the b 225 12 hath an unknown b, 477 22 in the b. of a well;. ^...... 822 18 into the b. of my grief. .* 598 14 of all great mistakes - .632.20 tub must stand upon its b. .' -. . . 639 29 (vat) must stand upon his b. . .639 25 who could sound thy b 505 25 woman's at the b 890 22 Bottomless-law is a b. pit 430 14 Bottoms-clap on Dutch b 85 12 draw huge b. through the 549 16 Bouche-dans la b. des rois 684 9 la b. obeit mal 359 16 que lab. exprime 741 7 Bough-but sharp his b 281 12 on the cedar's topmost b 460 24 reddens upon the topmost b... . 37 19 reels from b. to b 64 15 that hangs on the b 512 9 touch not a single b. 813 10 verses, underneath the B 579 1 when the b. breaks 54 3 with b. be over-run. 52 15 Boughs^-against a wintry sky 878 1 among the sheltering b 900 14 bare b. are sighing 52 16 bent with thick-set fruit 359 3 hear among their furry b 597 14 hour when from the b 557 15 lazily bang from b 46 16 . lifeless b. of Time 796 7 lowlier droop their b 614 14 'mongst b. pavilion'd 730 23 sappy b. attire themselves 813 11 shuns on lofty b. to build 428 6 stooping b. above me 633 6 that bearing b. may live 304 8 that the lowest b 223 2 Bought-at expense of virtue 429 17 because you b. them 716 8 by experience 244 16 fame is not b. and sold 492 17 good names were to be b 543 9 have b. golden opinions 569 26 itmaybeb 84 7 is b. endless renowne 453 18 it with an hundred blows 325 22 life is not to be b 446 6 love gives but is not b 472 8 never b. but always free 352 8 now cheaply b 78 2 our fathers b. for us 295 n senates have been b 84 6 what is b. by prayers 627 21 with nothing but self 476 is Bougies-vent fiteint les b 2 22 Bouillabaisse-noble dish is 139 15 Bounce-up comes master B 4 19 Bound-comely wainscot b 80 16 for Heaven 233 10 he saw herb 609 4 in chains shall Death be b 305 19 in to sauoy doubts 200 20 nothing . . . buthathhisb — 439 5 of low successes 761 3 strains from hard-b. brains. . . .608 4 too small a b 21 10 upon a wheel 12 12 we are darkly b 218 15 Boundaries-vice had b. in old — 98 24 Boundary-between things 717 8 line between joy and sorrow. . .775 26 Bounded-by the St. John's and. .587 20 Boundless-m magnificence 752 12 our thoughts as b 548 15 sources of wealth be b 520 20 'twixt two b. oceans 447 11 Bounds-above the b. of reason.. .480 10 cannot keep within b 516 12 flaming b. of place 168 19 from vulgar b 335 17 Hefills.Heb 319 9 narrow b. of this earth 915 13 not exceed proper b 342 16 of freakish youth 347 24 of freedom wider 753 12 slighted woman knows no b 897 1 thusfarthyb 915 2 to due b. confined 515 14 where good and ill reside 72 22 Bounties-give no. b 864 19 Nature pour her b. forth 546 7 of an hour. 238 10 Bounty-boundless as the sea 479 14 for his b. there was no winter. . 596 1 what its b. spares 668 12 his former b. fed 518 23 is beyond my speaking 785 17 kindest b. of the skies 70 13 large was his b 595 8 of Providence new every 454 18 our largest b. may extend 478 10 owe the b. of thy hand 510 6 pity b. had not eyes behind 516 4 Bouquefr-a dead and gone b 593 19 Bourbon-can B. or Nassau 233 2 Bourn-from whose b. no. . 166 2, 176 9 of time and place. 179 9 Bow-accompanied with a b 128 8 arrow from Tartar's b 354 4 before thine altar. Love 480 21 beneath the same yoke. 519 17 bending like a b 273 11 better to b. than breake. 645 19 continually drawn 322 18 dew-drop paints a b.. 194 3 down B. of Death 235 3 from the Almighty's b 495 8 huntress of the silver b 526 2 it has once left the b 904 1 love's weak oh ild iph b 479 6 needs no Moorish b. 100 13 of Cupid will lose 47516 polished the whole b 221 1 tob.theknee. 338 5 to that whose course 765 21 soon break the b 646 12 stakes his quiver, b. and 473 5 straining breaks the b 669 23 that guards the Tartar 527 21 the b. is bent 261 25 there will I b. too 918 16 the vulgar great 325 23 two strings t' his b 645 7 unto the b. the cord is 497 23 when he did sing 539 18 when he draws his b 899 9 who b. for grace. 395 13 words, as a Tartar's b 902 16 Bow-bell-within sound of B 462 16 Bowed-by weight of centuries . . .425 5 heart b. down by weight 375 8 thatb.thewill 47 11 Bowels-either b. or heart. 86 7 full of wrath. 856 16 of compassion 776 3 of the commonwealth 197 14 of the harmless earth. .566 19, 855 20 of the land 856 28 of ungrateful Rome 56 20 Bower-born in a b 88 10 cull me from the b 679 3 dancing in yonder green b 512 15 each cfiff a narrow b 281 1 in rosy b. beside a brook 464 16 keep a b. quiet for us.' 59 20 of roses by Bendemeer's 680 8 Rose sat in her b 681 21 steal into the pleached b 372 19 sun through the b. peeps 717 14 thy b. is ever green 153 9 to the nuptial b. I led her 498 7 yet in her winter's b 800 6 Bowers-birds built their b 748 4 bonnilie is scented b 278 9 crouching 'midst rosy b 665 13 fair Valclusa's b 45 7 humble b. to lay me down 376 3 in Heaven's happy b 679 7 in the green b 501 21 lodg'd in living b 814 11 move softly o'er the b 721 8