Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/12

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apple tree.

TO propagate apple trees sow the pumice from cider mills, digging it into the earth in autumn. The plants will come up in the spring following. The next autumn they should be transplanted from the seed bed into the nursery, in rows from two to three feet apart, and one foot in the rows. The ground for a nursery should not be very rich but mellow and well pulverised, and kept clear of weeds. The young trees, on being transplanted into orchards should be put into richer land than that to which they have been accustomed.

The best mode of setting out Apple Trees and other Fruit Trees on a light soil.

DIG a hole sufficiently large to prevent the root of the tree when it is to be transplanted from being doubled or placed in an unnatural position, and to give room for the young shoots to extend themselves. Place about the roots of each tree, together with the mould, about half a bushel of small stones, the size of an ordinary apple, or somewhat less, which will give stability to the soil, and prevent the roots from being loosened by the wind.


TO cure asthma take of powdered columbo 2 drachms, powdered ginger 2 drachms, camomile flowers 1 ounce. Pour a pint and an half of boiling water on the above ingredients. Take four table spoonfuls of this liquor cold in the morning and at mid-day.

Another Remedy.

MIX 4 ounces of honey, 2 ounces of flour of