Page:Husbandman and Housewife 1820.djvu/13

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brimstone; 1 ounce of cream of tartar, 1-4 of an ounce of nitre. Take a tea spoonful often.


CUT Turkey figs in half; put a spoonful of sulphur inside and eat them in that state.


TO increase a crop of barley dissolve three pounds of copperas in a pail of boiling water. Add to this as much dung puddle water as will cover three or four bushels of barley. Stir it, and let it steep four and twenty hours; when the seed is drained and spread, sift on fine lime, which fits it for sowing. Steeping the seed about 24 hours in the wash of a dunghill, without any mixture is said to produce a very good effect.


A BARN-YARD should have a high, close and strong fence; be lowest in the middle, and so high in all sides that the greatest rains cannot carry away any of the manure. If not properly shaped by nature it may be done by art, and if the soil be too loose to retain the manure a few loads of clay should be spread over its surface. The cattle should be kept constantly on the barn-yard during the foddering season, and for that purpose water should be introduced. There should be several yards where different sorts of cattle are kept. The sheep should have a yard by themselves at least, and the young stock another, that each kind may have their proper sort of food.