Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/191

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        • Florets of the ray 1 series. Pappus of the ray

and disk different.

22. Stenactis (Nees. D. C. 5-298). Capitula many- flowered ; those of the ray 1 series, female, narrow ligu- late ; of the disk hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Achaenia oblong, compressed. Pappus of the ray 1 series, setace- ous, of the disk double, the exterior short, interior like the pappus of the ray. — Erect herbs with alternate leaves. Capitula solitary on the apices of the branches. Scales of the involucre 2-3 series. Receptacle naked, plain or convex. Ray florets white, or pale purple ; disk yellow. Nepaul, Himalayas.

          • Florets of the ray 1 series. Pappus squamulate.

23. Asteromjea (Blume, D. C. 5-302). Capitula many-flowered ; ray 1 series, female, ligulate ; disk her- maphrodite. Stigmas of the disk lanceolate. Achaenia 4-ribbed, somewhat compressed, attenuated at the base, somewhat glandulose, hairy. Pappus 1 series, united at the base, setaceously cleft at the apex. — Erect, glab- rous herbs, with alternate leaves. Capitula solitary on the apices of the branches. Involucre 2 series ; scales herbaceous at the apex. Ligulae blue or white ; disk yellow. Java.

            • Florets of the ray 1 series. Pappus crown-like

or wanting.

24. Myrtactis (Less. D. C. 5-308, R. W. Icon. 1091). Capitula heterogamous ; flowers of the ray 2 or many series, female ; ligula very narrow ; of the disk herma- phrodite. Achaenia compressed, beakless, often glan- duliferous at the apex. Pappus none. — Erect, dichoto- mously ramous herbs with alternate leaves. Peduncles long, 1-cephalous, paniculate. Capitula globose. In- volucre 1-2 series. Receptacle naked. Florets white or yellow. Himalayas, Neilgherries.

Div. III. Chrysocome.e. Receptacle naked, alveolate, or ftmbriliferous. Capitula yellow either homogamous with all the florets tubular, hermaphrodite ; or radiate, the ray florets ligulate, female or neuter.

  • Ray florets several series.

25. Psiadia (Jacq. D. C. 5-318). Capitula heteroga- mous, at first sight discoid though truly radiate, ray florets several series, very short ; disk hermaphrodite or male by abortion, 5-toothed. Achaenia of the ray oblong, glabrous, beakless. Pappus uniform, 1 series. — Shrubs with alternate petioled leaves and corymbose inflorescence. Involucre several series, imbricated. Receptacle sub-alveolate. Moluccus, Mauritius.

26. Microglossa (D. C. 5-320, Frivalia Endl.). Dif- fers from the preceding in the disk florets which are 3-5-cleft,male. — Suffruticose, erect or somewhat voluble. Leaves alternate. Inflorescence corymbose. Pappus reddish. [I can see no satisfactory reason for separat- ing this from the preceding.] Java, Penang, Moluccas.

    • Ray florets 1 series.

27. Amphirhapis (D. C. 5-343). Capitula radiate ; ligula 10-20, homochromous (same colour as the disk) ; disk florets 5-toothed, hermaphrodite. Achaenia linear

oblong, slightly compressed, villous or pubescent ; the villi sometimes simulating an exterior pappus. Pappus

1 series, setaceous, rigid. — Perennial, erect herbs, with alternate leaves and corymbose capitula. Involucre imbricated. Receptacle alveolate. Flowers all yel- low. Khassia, Nepaul, Ceylon.

Sub-tribe II. Baccharidje. Capitula heterogamous or dioicous, never radiate, all the florets tubular, usually several series of female ones in the circumference. Jlnthers ecaudate, receptacle epaleaceous. Leaves alternate.

Div. I. Conyze m. Capitula heterogamous, monoicous, capitula numerous, congested into a Spharical glomerulus, sessile in the axils of the bracts.

28. Blepharsipermum (Wight Herb. D. C. 5-368, R. W. Icon. 1092-93). Capitula 4-flowered, numerous, combined into a globose glomerulus. Flowers tubular,

2 exterior female, 3-toothed ; 2 interior male, 5-toothed. Style not exserted, scarcely bifid. Anthers apiculate, sub-caudate at the base. Achaenia oboval-oblong, com- pressed, subtetragonous ; two of the angles nerve-like, glabrous, 2 marginal, ciliate. Pappus of the female flowers 3-5 palae ; of the male none. — Glabrous shrubs, leaves alternate. Glomerules globose, one or more on the ends of the branches. Involucre double. Recep- tacle of the capitula narrow, with a palea between the flowers. Courtallum, Mysore, Wynaud.

29. Athroisma (D. C. 5-368). Capitula numerous, combined into an ovate glomerulus. Axis of the glo- merule cylindrical. Capitula several-flowered, hetero- gamous, 4-5 exterior flowers female, slender, 4-5-tooth- ed; central ones few, male, wider above, 5-toothed. Achaenia black, obcompressed oval, plano-convex, the marginal angle ciliate near the apex. Pappus sparing, sub-setose. — Erect, ramous herbs, suffruticose at the base; leaves alternate. Receptacles of the capitula bearing numerous concave membranaceous palea? among the flowers. Involucre few-leaved, scarcely distinguishable from the paleas of the receptacle. Martaban at Tragla.

30. Sphjeranthus (Vaill. D. C. Prod. 5-369, R. W. Icon. 1094). Capitula heterogamous, several-flowered, densely aggregated into a globose glomerulus. Flowers all tubular; females thickened at the base, 3-dentate, several series in the circumference ; males, by abortion of the style, in the centre, 5-toothed. Style in the cen- tre florets undivided. Achasnia beakless, pilose. Pap- pus none. — Herbs, with decurrent leaves, winged or wingless one-cephalous peduncles. Glomerules dense. Scales of the partial involucre numerous, 2-3 series. Partial receptacle naked, general bracteolate, flowers purple. A common plant in rice fields and other low, wet grounds.

31. Oligolepis (R. W. Calcutta Journal, not Cassini, R. W. Icon. 1149). Capitula numerous, heterogamous, about 5-flowered. Florets all tubular; females few (about 4), 1 series, pedicelled, slender, 3-dentate in the circumference ; hermaphrodite in the centre, solitary, sessile, 5-toothed, sub-campanulate. Style in the central flower undivided. Achaenia beakless, of the females terete, hairy, of the disk, obsoletely 4-sided, glabrous. Pappus none. — Glabrous herbs with decurrent, spathu- late leaves, and dense, ovate oblong, axillary glomerules.