Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/192

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Involucre usually one scale to each floret, that of the hermaphrodite much larger, forming a common invo- lucre to the capitulum, aristato-mucronate ; those of the females linear, truncated at the apex and adhering at the base to the pedicels. Hermaphrodite corolla large, sub-campanulate, made up of a congeries of quad- rangular cells, very fragile under the knife. [The plant which forms the type of this genus is Spheeranthus amarantkoides of Burman and D. C, but which is amply distinct both in structure and habit from Spharanlhus.] Peninsula, rare, Tanjore, Burmah, Ceylon.

    • Capitula not congested into a glomerulus. Pap-

pus none.

32. Dichrocephala (D. C. 5-371, R. W. Icon. 1095-96). Capitula heterogamous ; florets all tubular; marginal ones female, many series, 3-4-toothed, cen- tral hermaphrodite or male few, 4-toothed. Achaenia compressed, beakless, of the females bald, of the her- maphrodite crowned with 1-2 bristles. — Annuals with alternate leaves and small globose capitula, spreading involucre, and conical, naked receptacles. Flowers purplish. Himalayas, Neilgherries.

33. Grangea (Adans, D. C. 5-372, R. W. Icon. 1097). Capitula heterogamous; florets all tubular; of the circumference two or several series female, very slender, 3-toothed ; of the centre hermaphrodite, 5-tooth- ed. Styles of the disk undivided. Achaenia obovate, somewhat compressed, attenuated at the base, crowned with an entire cup-shaped pappus, slightly fimbrillate on the margin. — Procumbent herbs, leaves alternate, sinu- ately pinnatifid. Capitula solitary, globose, terminal. Involucre 2 series. Receptacle hemispherical. Flow- ers yellow. A common weed near tanks in moist soil.

34. Ctathocline (Cass. D. C. 5-373, R. W. Icon. 1098, 1150). Capitula heterogamous; marginal florets many series, female, 3-toothed; central ones obconical, male, 5-toothed. Achaenia oblong, attenuated at both ends, with a short pellucid beak. Pappus none (unless the beak be considered such). — Erect, herbaceous, vis- cid, heavy-smelling plants, with alternate bipinnatifid leaves. Capitula small, racemose, on the ends of long- ish, naked peduncles. Involucre many series. Recep- tacle ebracteolate, the centre elevated, saucer-shaped, bearing the male flowers. Flowers reddish purple. Nepaul, Prome, Neilgherries, Bombay.

      • Capitula not congested into a glomerulus. Pap-

pus pilose 1-2 series.

35. Thespis (D. C. 5, Prod. 375). Capitula heteroga- mous ; marginal florets many series, female, very slender; style scarcely exserted ; central ones few, male, with short tube and campanulate limb. Anthers incluse. Achaenia compressed, glabrous. Pappus 7-8 barbellate bristles. — Erect, ramous, glabrous annuals with alternate leaves. Peduncles axillary and terminal, bearing few congested capitula. Involucre several series, shorter than the disk. Receptacle naked, flat, punctulate. Flowers yellow. Pappus first white, afterwards reddish. Khassia Mountains.

36. Berthelotia (D. C. 5-375). Capitula heteroga- mous ; florets of the circumference many series, female 2-3-toothed ; of the disk few (5-12), 5-toothed. Achae-

nia terete, beakless. Pappus ] series, paleaceous, co- hering at the base, scabrous at the apex. — A shrub with alternate, sessile leaves. Capitula oblong, forming dense corymbs on the ends of the branches. Involucre oval, scales several series, imbricated, adpressed. Receptacle naked, flowers purplish. Upper Hindostan, Banks of the Jumna.

37. Contza (Less. Syn. T>. C. 5-377). Capitula heter- ogamous; florets of the circumference many series, female, 3-5-toothed; of the disk few, male, 5-toothed. Achaenia compressed, attenuated at the base. Pappus 1 series, bristles filiform. — Erect, ramous, terete herbs, with alternate leaves and corymbose or sub-paniculate, pedicelled capitula. Involucre many series. Recepta- cle ebracteolate punctulate or fimbriliferous. Flowers yellow, pappus red or reddish. Widely distributed, Bengal, Martaban, Peninsula.

Sub-tribe III. Tarchonanthej-:. Capitula either dioicous or heterogamous, never radiate. Female Jlowers in the circumference, many series, very slender ; florets of the disk hermaphrodite or male, fewer and larger. Anthers caudate. Leaves alternate.

Div. II. Capitula heterogamous or monoicous.

38. Blumea (D. C. 5-432, R. W. Icon. 1099, 11C0, 1101). Capitula heterogamous, florets of the circumfer- ence many series, truncated, or 2-3-toothed ; of the disk few (5-25) cylindrical, 5-toothed, the throat scarcely dilated. Anthers very slenderly caudate at the base. Achaenia terete. Pappus 1 series, bristles capillary, scarcely rough. — Herbaceous or suffruticose plants with panicled or loosely corymbose inflorescence. Involucre imbricated, many series, scales linear acuminated. Re- ceptacle flat, quite naked, or sometimes hairy. Flowers yellow or purple. Every where, all over India.

39. Pluchea (Cass. D. C. 5-449, R. W. Illust. tab. 131). Capitula heterogamous; florets of the circumference many series, female, truncated or 2-3-toothed; central ones few, male, or imperfectly hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Anthers bicaudate at the base. Achaenia erostrate, cylindrical or furrow-angled. Pappus 1 series, bristles filiform, scarcely rough. — Herbaceous or suffruticose, plants with alternate leaves, often glanduloso-pubescent. Capitula corymbose, pedicelled. Involucre many series, imbricated. Receptacle naked or hairy, fimbrillate. Flowers yellow. [This genus appears scarcely distinct from the preceding. D. C. remarks "a Conyza et Blumea antheris caudatis diversum," a very slender difference.] Eastern Islands, Mysore.

40. Monenteles (Labill. D. C. 5-455). Capitula many-flowered; marginal florets 2-3 series, females, scarcely dentate ; of the disk 1-5 hermaphrodite or male, 5-toothed, externally sub-glandulose. Anthers of the disk with subulate spurs. Achaenia oblong, sub-compressed, sparingly villous. Pappus 1 series, bristles filiform, connected at the base. — Ramous herbs with the leaves decurrent, forming wings to the stems. Capitula sessile, fasciculed in the axils of the floral leaves, forming spikes. Involucre 2-series, persistent, about equal, not imbricated. Receptacle flat, nar- row. Burmah.

41. Epaltes (Cass. D. C. 5-461). Capitula hetero- gamous; florets of the circumference many series,