Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/193

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female; of the disk sterile. Anthers incluse. Styles of the disk scarcely exserted, undivided. Achaenia of the ray obovate, subangled, glabrous. Pappus none. — Ramous herbs with alternate, decurrent leaves, pe- duncles opposite the leaves. Involucre two or several series, imbricated. Receptacle naked, convex. Indian Peninsula, common in rice fields.

Sub-tribe IV. Inuleje. Capitula never dioicous, rarely homogamous, often heterogamous, radiate. Ligulat female, isochromous (colour of the disk). Receptacle, ex- cept Rhantarium, epaleaceous. Anthers caudate. Leaves alternate.

Div. I. Capitula several, many-flowered, not glomeru- late.

42. Inula (Gsertner D. C. 5-463). Capitula hete- rogamous ; florets of the ray 1 series, female, or some- times, by abortion, sterile, usually ligulate; of the disk hermaphrodite, tubular, 5-toothed. Anthers with two bristles at the base. Achaenia erostrate, roundish. Pappus uniform, bristles capillary. — Herbaceous peren- nials. Capitula at the apices of the branches, solitary, often corymbose. Involucre imbricated, many series. Receptacle naked. Flowers yellow. Himalayas.

43. Vicoa (Cass. D. C. 5-474, R. W. Icon. 11-48). Capitula heterogamous ; florets of the ray narrow ligu- late, 1 series ; of the disk tubular, 5-toothed. Anthers setaceously appendiculate at the base. Achaenia beak- less. Pappus of the ray none, of the disk capillary, 1 series. — Erect, ramous annuals with alternate, auri- culately sagittate, sessile leaves; branches sparingly leafy, 1-cephalous. Involucre imbricated, scales subu- late. Receptacle ebracteolate. Flowers yellow. Com- mon weed all over the Peninsula.

44. Francosuria (Cass. D. C. Prod. 5-475). Capi- tula many-flowered, heterogamous ; ray florets ligulate, short, 1 series, female; disk ones tubular, 4-toothed her- maphrodite. Achaenium beakless. Pappus caducous, 1 series, bristles rough below, above barbellato-plumose, aglutinated at the base into a short ring, crowned with minute paleae or bristles. — An erect under-shrub with alternate leaves ; and 1-cephalous branches. Involucre campanulate, imbricated, receptacle naked, flat. — Flow- ers yellow. Banks of the Ganges, Behar.

45. Pclicaria (Gaert. D. C. Prod. 5-477). Capitula many-flowered, heterogamous; ray florets 1 series, fe- male, ligulate ; disk ones tubular, 5-dentate, hermaphro- dite. Achaenia beakless, not compressed. Pappus 2 series, exterior crown-like, dentate, short; interior of rough bristles. — Erect, ramous, villous, odorous plants with cordato-sagittate leaves, frequent in marshy grounds. Peduncles 1-cephalous. Involucre loosely imbricated. Receptacle naked, areolate, flat. Flowers yellow. My- sore, Patna, Himalayas.

Div. II. C^sulte^:. Capitula 1-flowered, glomerate. Involucre 2-valved, afterwards aglutenated to the achcenium.

46. Cjjsulia (Roxb. D. C. 5-482, R. W. Icon. 1102). Capitula numerous, aggregated in a glomerulus, or gen- eral head : proper involucre 2, carinated, membranace- ous valves, at length cohering with the ovary and forming a spurious, 2-lobed pappus. Corolla tubular, 5- lobed, spreading. Anthers rigid, caudate. Branches of

the styles exserted, filiform, diverging [Roxb. Icon. D. C], or incluse and shortly spathulate [R. W. Icon.]. Achae- nia compressed, apparently 2-winged from the cohering- involucral scales. Pappus wanting [unless the elongated points of the involucre be considered such].— Herbace- ous, diffuse plants. Leaves alternate, dilated, amplexicaul at the origin of the flowers. Flowers sessile, surrounded by 2-3 orbicular leaves and some small bracts, forming the general involucre, pale violet or white, opening from the centre towards the circumference. [This genus seems badly placed here, having apparently no affinity with the plants among which it is stationed.] Not uncommon in wet soil in sub-alpine situations.

Sub-tribe Buphthalme«. Capitida usually heteroga- mous. Ray florets ligulate. Receptacle paleaceous. Pap- pus crown-like, torn or piloso-dentate.

47. Buphthalmum (Necker. D. C. Prod. 5-483). _ Flo- rets of the ray 1 series, broadish ligulate; tubes 'of all the corollas terete, narrow below. Achaenia of the ray triquetrous, narrow, 3-winged; of the disk compressed, winged on the interior margin. Pappus scariose, crown-like, piloso-dentate. — Perennial herbs. Leaves linear lanceolate, entire. Capitula solitary, terminal. Involucral scales long, acuminate. Anthers scarcely caudate. A very doubtful Indian genus.

Sub-tribe Eclypteje. Capitula heterogamous, flowers of the ray female, except Cryphiospermum, ligulate ; of the disk hermaphrodite : anthers ecaudate. Receptacle palea- ceous. Pappus either none or aristale, never setaceous. Leaves opposite.

48. Eclipta (Lin. D. C. 5-489). Capitula many- flowered, heterogamous; of the ray 1 series, female, shortly ligulate ; of the disk tubular, 4-toothed. Achae- nia of the ray triangular, of the disk compressed, tu- berculated on the sides, scarcely apiculate. — Rough, herbaceous plants with opposite leaves and solitary, axillary peduncles. Involucre 2 series, scales 10-12. Receptacle flat, covered with lanceolate paleae. Flow- ers white ; juice employed to dye black. Common weed every where in cultivated ground.

49. Blainvillea (Cass. D. C. 5-492). Capitula heter- ogamous; florets of the ray few, 1 series, expanding into a broad, short, irregularly 3-cleft ligula ; of the disk tubular, 5-cleft. Style of the disk included. Achaenia of the ray triquatrous, bearing 3 rigid, persistent, ciliate bristles. Of the disk compressed, biaristate. — Herbace- ous plants with opposite triplinerved leaves. Pedun- cles axillary, monocephalous. Involucre cylindrical, 1-2 series, exterior ones foliaceous. Receptacle narrow, paleae embracing the flowers concave, membranaceous. Flowers white. Like the preceding, common in culti- vated grounds.

50. Siegeseeckia (Lin. D. C. 5-495, R. W. Icon. 1103). Capitula heterogamous; florets of the ray 1 series, ligulate or deformed ; of the disk tubular, 3-5- toothed. Achaenia obovate oblong, somewhat 4-sided, curved within, epappose. — Herbaceous, dichotomous plants, upper parts viscid. Involucre 2 series ; five ex- terior ones linear, spathulate, spreading; interior ones, involving the achaenia of the ray, viscidly pilose on the back. Receptacle flat. Paleae embracing the achaenia. Flowers yellow. Widely diffused over the Peninsula in sub-alpine or alpine jungles.