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Of the Way of Peace.

Choose always to have less rather than more.

Seek always the lowest place, and to be inferior to every one.

Wish always, and pray, that the will of God may be wholly fulfilled in thee.

Behold, such a man entereth within the borders of peace and rest.

2. O Lord, this short discourse of Thine containeth within itself much perfection.

It is little in words, but full of meaning, and abundant in fruit.

For if it could faithfully be kept by me, I should not be easily disturbed.

For as often as I feel myself unquiet and weighed down, I find I have strayed from this doctrine.

But Thou Who canst do all things, and ever lovest the profiting of my soul, increase in me Thy grace, that I may be able to fulfil Thy words, and to work out mine own salvation.

A Prayer against evil thoughts.

3. O Lord, my God, be not Thou far from me; my God, make haste to help me: for there have risen up against me sundry thoughts, and great fears, afflicting my soul.

How shall I pass through unhurt? how shall I break them to pieces?

"I will go before thee and will humble the great ones of the earth; I will open the doors of the prison, and reveal unto thee hidden secrets."