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Of the Way of Peace.

Do, O Lord, as Thou sayest, and let all evil thoughts fly from before Thy face.

This is my hope, my one only consolation, to flee unto Thee in every tribulation, to trust in Thee, to call upon Thee, from my inmost heart, and to wait patiently for Thy consolation.

A Prayer for mental Illumination.

4. O merciful Jesus, enlighten Thou me with the clearness of Thine inward light, and take away all darkness from the habitation of my heart.

Repress Thou my many wandering thoughts, and break in pieces those temptations, which so violently assault me.

Fight Thou strongly for me, and vanquish the alluring desires of the flesh; that so peace may be obtained by Thy power, and that Thine abundant praise may resound in a holy temple, that is, in a pure conscience.

Command the winds and tempests; say unto the sea, be still; say to the north wind, blow not; and there shall be a great calm.

5. Send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth; for until Thou enlighten me, I am but as earth without form and void.

Pour forth Thy grace from above, wash my heart in Thy heavenly dew, supply fresh streams of devotion to water the face of the earth, that it may bring forth fruit good and excellent.

Lift Thou up my mind which is pressed down by a load of sin, and draw up my whole desire to things heavenly; that having tasted the sweetness of