Page:Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York.djvu/241

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And Representatives of Religious Bodies and Societies, admitted to the Landing Depot, are to observe the following Rules:

17. They may distribute religious books and papers among the emigrants, and give them all necessary advice of a spiritual nature; and shall report to the officers of the Commissioners of Emigration any wants of emigrants other than of a religious nature, coming under their notice; and shall not interfere in the secular requirements of the emigrants, or the secular matters of the Department, but shall direct all such emigrants to the proper officers of the Commissioners of Emigration.

18. They may visit any sick emigrants in the Hospital as often as their presence is required by such emigrant, and when called by the nurse or other officer of this Department.


For the Government of the Landing Depot:

19. The business of the Depot will commence at 7 o'clock A.M. from May 1 to Nov. 1, and at 8 o'clock A.M. from Nov. 1 to May 1; and the clerks of the Letter Department shall also be present at all times, after the landing and registering of passengers, to write to friends of emigrants desiring to acquaint them of their arrival, and request funds for their inland journey, or for any purpose.

20. No person shall be admitted within the enclosure except the officers and employees of this Department and the officers and employees of the Railroad Agency, except on permission of the Superintendent.

21. No person shall be employed by any party occupying an office within the enclosure as clerk, ticket-seller, interpreter, or in any other capacity, unless first approved by the Castle Garden Committee; and no employee or other person having privilege in this Depot shall, under any pretence whatever, receive from emigrants or others any recompense for any service rendered.

22. Every employee of this Department will be furnished with a badge setting forth his position, which he shall wear and exhibit while on duty.


For the Government of the Information Office, for Friends of arriving Emigrants.

23. This office will be open for business from May 1 to November 1 at 7 o'clock A.M., and from November 1 to May 1 at 8 o'clock A.M., and remain open as long as the Superintendent may direct. All persons having relations or friends whom they wish to receive, are requested to report to the clerk the names of the passengers expected by them, and the vessel on which they arrived, with their own names and residences. They will then remain seated until such passengers are brought, and on receiving them they are requested to leave the premises, so as to avoid obstructing the business.