Page:Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York.djvu/242

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24. Emigrants wishing to have their baggage transported by the Express Company at the Depot (referred to Rule 9) are requested to leave the proper directions at the Express Office before leaving the premises. Those desiring to take away their baggage can receive it on the day after landing, and are requested to apply for it themselves, for the purpose of identifying their property.

25. All services rendered by the officers and employees are without charge or expense to emigrants or their friends, or to any person having business with the office.


For the Government of the Labor Exchange and Intelligence Office.

26. This office will be open for business from May 1 to November 1 at 7 o'clock A.M., and from November 1 to May 1 at 8 o'clock A.M., and remain open as long as the Superintendent may direct; and shall be free for the use of employers and of emigrants seeking employment.

27. Emigrants and their employers are requested, after making their contracts and before leaving the office, to leave on record in the Office Register the particulars of such contract, the emigrant's name, age, and date of arrival, and the employer's name and residence.


28. It shall be the duty of the clerks and employees of the Railroad Agency to be at their respective stations on the landing of passengers, and so long thereafter as their services may be required, to attend to the wants of emigrants desiring to leave the city by any of the routes for which tickets are sold in the Depot; and in every way to conform to all rules regarding them heretofore or hereafter adopted.

29. It shall further be the duty of the clerks and employees of the Railroad Agency to refer all emigrants desiring information other than regarding the purchase of tickets to the proper officers of the Commissioners of Emigration.

30. The Railroad Agency and its officers are permitted to accept in payment for Railroad tickets and for overweight of luggage gold and silver, allowing for such gold and silver in current funds within one per cent, of the market rate, and furnishing to the emigrant a printed slip, setting forth the number and denomination of the coins purchased, the respective rates paid therefor, and whole amount paid.

31. The Railroad Agency will be required to report monthly to the Castle Garden Committee the number of emigrants transported each month over the several Railroads represented by said Agency and their connecting lines to the chief points to which emigrants go, together with the routes by which such emigrants are sent.

32. No person shall be employed by the Railroad Agency in any capacity whatever, except by and with the consent and approval of the Castle Garden Committee.