Page:Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York.djvu/243

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33. Every Exchange Broker admitted to this Depot shall be required to be at his desk while emigrants are landing, in order to attend to the wants of such emigrants as wish to have money exchanged.

34. They shall post in a conspicuous place every day the current market rates of gold and silver, and the prices paid by them for gold and silver of every denomination, domestic and foreign, and shall pay in current funds for all gold and silver bought by them from the emigrants within one per cent, of the current market rates of such gold and silver.

35. They shall furnish to every emigrant, from whom they purchase gold or silver, a printed slip setting forth the name of the broker and the number and denominations of the coins purchased, the respective rates paid therefor, and the whole amount paid.


36. The Keepers of the Restaurant for the use of emigrants within the Depot shall be required to open the same at 6 A.M. in the summer and 7 A.M. in the winter, and to keep open as long as the emigrants require their services; and shall expose in a conspicuous place a list of prices charged by them for all articles supplied, which list of prices must be submitted to the Castle Garden Committee for examination and approval monthly.


37. The Wash-rooms shall be open from 6 A.M. to such an hour in the night as emigrants need their use.


38. The Hospital Rooms are for the use of the sick alone.

39. When any emigrant becomes sick in or is brought sick to the Depot during the night, it shall be the duty of the Night Watchman to have such patient transferred to the Hospital and put in charge of the nurse, and to procure the attendance of the Medical Officer of the establishment without delay.

N. B. It is earnestly requested that immediate complaint be made to the General Agent and Superintendent of any violation of these Rules.

Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York.

Emigrant Landing Depot, Castle Garden,

New York, May 18, 1867.