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Barber-surgeon of Sabugal. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Bargain. Maartens, M.
Bargain-counter sale. Barr, R.
Bargain day at Tutt house. Chester, G. R.
Bargain's a bargain, Phillpotts, E.
Bargain with Pegley. Norris, F.
Bargamot and Garaska. Andreev, L. N.
Barge of dreams. Hughes, R.
Barham, Richard Harris (Thomas Ingolds by, pseud.) 1788-1845
Jerry Jarvis' wig
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 4
Barjarvel's civit of hare. Janvier, T. A.
Barker's luck. Harte, B.
Barker, Elsa
Sylph and the father
In French, J. L. ed. Best psychic stories
Barlow, Jane, 1860-
Lost recruit
In Stories by English authors, Ireland
Barn that came to life. Wiggin, K. D.
Barney Brian's monument. MacManus, S.
Barney Roddy's penance. MacManus, S.
Barny O'Reirdon, the navigator. Lover, S.
Baron as a runner. Bangs, J. K.
Baron de Trenck. Robert, C.
Baron de Ville. See Train, A. C. Extraordinary adventures of Baron de Ville
Baron of Beaugard. Parker, G.
Baron St. Gio. Hogg, J.
Baroness. Maupassant, G. de
Baron's daughter. Mitford, M. R.
Baron's gloves. Alcott, L. M.
Baron's quarry. Castle, A., and Castle, E.
Barr, Robert, 1850-1912
Alpine divorce
In Eng Illust 11:77
And the last shall be first
In Metropol 27:152
Archbishop's Christmas gift
In McClure 10:143
Arrival of the unexpected
In Strand M 18:648
Bank manager
In Sat Eve Post 181:9 F 27 '09
Bargain-counter sale
In Sat Eve Post 184:18 S 16 '11
In Canad M 36:106
Bruiser's courtship
In Face and the mask
Case of fever
In In a steamer chair
Case of the Bronson patent
In Canad M 34:507
Caught in the act
In Sat Eve Post 176:6 Jl 4 '09
Chemistry of anarchy
In Face and the mask
Christmas picture
In Idler 6:521
Clew of the silver spoons
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 Ag 27 '04
Countess decides
In Woman wins
Sat Eve Post 175:3 Je 27 '03
Crandall's choice
In Face and the mask
Curse of Positano
In Leslie's M 53:452
Deal on 'change
In Eng Illust 12 no 1:77
McClure 3:436
Death cometh soon or late
In Face and the mask
Departure of Cub M'Lean
In Face and the mask
Deputation to the king
In McClure 18:232
Doom of London
In Face and the mask
Exposure of Lord Stansford
In Strand M 12:153
Extra turn
In Am M 68:604
Failure of Bradley
In Face and the mask
Famous test
In Strand M 26:642
Fear of it
In Face and the mask
From whose bourne
In From whose bourne
Gift of Abncr Grice
In McClure 11:433
Great Mogul
In Woman wins
Great Pegram mystery
In Face and the mask
Helping hand
In Metropol 29:597
Heralds of fame
In From whose bourne
One day's courtship, and The heralds of fame
High stakes
In Face and the mask
Hour and the man
In Eng Illust 11:1139
McClure 5:45
How Finlay McGillis held the pier
In Canad M 42:267
How Nelson lost his eye
In Strand M 15:681
How the captain got his steamer out
In In a steamer chair
In a steamer chair
In In a steamer chair
In the midst of alarms
In Lippinc 52:131
International row
In In a steamer chair
Invisible Marquis of Gallantreve
In Sat Eve Post 180:19 D 7; 13 D 14 '07
In Belgravia 93:114
Island man-trap
In Strand M 22:289
Kidnapping of Rochervelt
In Sat Eve Post 175:1 Ap 4 '03
King a-begging
In Cur Lit 33:314
McClure 16:305
King dines
In Harp W 46:566
King's gold
In Idler 19:414
McClure 17:122