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King's visit
In McClure 17:534
Ladies' man
In In a steamer chair
Lady Beatie's Spanish investment
In Strand M 28:639
Lady Eleanor: lawbreaker
In Lady Eleanor: lawbreaker
Lady Gwendolen episode
In Canad M 14:513
Long distance telephone
In Woman wins
Magnetic attraction
In Woman wins
Strand M 23:64
Making of Howard Carruth
In Strand M 18:208
Man fights best in his own township
In McClure 9:928
Man who was not on the passenger list
In In a steamer chair
Marcella's intervention
In Leslie's M 55:249
Matter of motives
In Woman wins
Measured to you again
In Collier's 32:21 F 13 '04
Metamorphoses of Johnson
In Face and the mask
Millionaire's opportunity
In Woman wins
Sat Eye Post 176:1 Ag 1 '03
Miss McMillan
In In a steamer chair
Mrs. Tremain
In In a steamer chair
Mutual dilemma
In Strand M 30:727
My stowaway
In In a steamer chair
Mystery of the expert
In Strand M 21:571
Mystery of the five hundred diamonds
In Sat Eve Post 176:1 Je 4 '04
Nee Corrigan
In Canad M 40:533
New explosion
In Face and the mask
Old number eighty-six
In Face and the mask
On the housetop
In Woman wins
Canad M 15:363
One day's courtship
In From whose bourne
One day's courtship, and The heralds of fame
Out of Thun
In McClure 7:136
Pasha's prisoner
In McClure 15:35
Playing with marked cards
In Face and the mask
Predicament of De Plonville
In Face and the mask
Probation of Buckle's ghost
In Sat Eve Post 175:3 Jl 19 '02
Purser's story
In In a steamer chair
Raid of Mellish
In Face and the mask
Reclamation of Joe Hollends
In Face and the mask
Ringamy's convert
In Face and the mask
Romance of the middle ages
In Woman wins
Strand M 21:377
Scrap of history
In Canad M 15:160
Secret cypher
In Woman wins
Share and share alike
In In a steamer chair
Sixth bench
In Face and the mask
Idler 2:78
Slippery customer
In Face and the mask
Story for the reformation of poker players
In In a steamer chair
Story of the second brother
In Booklover's M 5:107
Striking back
In Face and the mask
Sweet thing in trusts
In Strand M 22:409
Telegraph message
In Woman wins
Strand M 13:690
Temporary insanity
In Woman wins
Terrible experience of Plodkins
In In a steamer chair
Idler 1:159
Three expert cyclists
In Canad M 13:64
"Try not that pass"
In Strand M 20:209
Two of a kind
In Idler 5:147
Two of a trade
In Woman wins
Typewriter girl
In Strand M 20:161
Type-written letter
In Face and the mask
McClure 2:445
Unjust accusation
In McClure 10:47
Voice in the air
In Woman wins
Leslie's M 54:394 Ag '02
Watermead affair
In Watermead affair
Idler 28:435
Sat Eve Post 178:1 O 21 '05
Where ignorance is bliss
In Face and the mask
McClure 4:455
Which was the murderer?
In Eng Illust 11:269
In Sat Eve Post 179:3 S 29 '06
Within an ace of the end of the world
In McClure 14:545
Wizard of Wall street
In Everybody's 3:397