Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/27

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Hector, J.

Hedley, C.

Henry, R.

Herriott, E. M.

Higginson, H. P.

Hilgendorf, F. W.

Hill, H.

Arctic Exploration, Problems of, bearing upon Recent Attempts to reach the North Pole, 32, 384.
Artesian-water Basins of the Heretaunga Plain, Hawke's Bay, 37, 431.
Artesian-water Prospects at Wanganui, 25, 343.
Artesian-water Prospects in Poverty Bay and Gisborne, 29, 567.
Artesian Water-supply, Ruataniwha Plain, 25, 350.
Artesian Wells, 22, 429.
Artesian Wells at Wanganui, 25, 348.
Artesian-well System of Hawke's Bay, 20, 282.
Denudation as a Factor of Geological Time, 28, 666.
Geology of Country between Dannevirke and Wainui, Hawke's Bay, 26, 392.
Geology of District between Napier and Ruapehu Mountain, 22, 422.
Geology of District between Napier and Puketitiri, 32, 183.
Geology of Scinde Island, and the Relation of Napier Limestones to others in Surrounding Districts, 19, 441.
Hawke's Bay Plain: Past and Present, 30, 515.
Maoris To-day and To-morrow, 29, 150; 35, 169.
Moa-feathers in Rocks of Pliocene Age, Fossil, 21, 318.
Moa-footprints in the Bed of the Manawatu River, Occurrence of, 27, 476.
National Pensions—a Proposed Scheme, 31, 683.
Nuhaka Hot Springs, 27, 478.
Oil Prospects of Poverty Bay and District 21, 320.
Oil-wells and Oil-prospects along the East Coast, 39, 509.
Pleistocene Beds of Hawke's Bay and the Glacial Period, 27, 451.
Presidential Address to Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, 1891, 24, 717.
Printing in N.Z., Early Days of, 33, 407.
Pumice: its Geological Distribution on the East Coast of North Island of N.Z., 20, 293.
Relation of the Kidnapper and Pohui Conglomerates to the Napier Limestones and Petane Marls, 23, 340.
Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe, 24, 603.
Ruapehu and the Volcanic Zone in 1895, 28, 681.
Scaphites found near Cape Turnagain, 19, 387.
Swallows and Martins in Hicks Bay, 30, 532.
Taupo Plateau and Lake: a Retrospect and Prospect, 37, 445.
Technical and Scientific Training, 35, 153.
University and Science Work in N.Z., Extension of, 33, 395.
Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii), 34, 396.
Volcanic-dust Showers at Napier, 19, 385; 29, 571.
Volcanic Outburst at Te Mari, Tongariro, in November, 1892, 26, 388.