Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/29

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Hulke, C.

Hunt, R. R.

Hunter, A.

Hutchinson, F., Jun.

Hutchinson, F. B.

Hutton, F. W.

Acrididæ, Notes on the N.Z., 31, 44.
Alepisaurus ferox, Occurrence on the Coast of N.Z. of, 34, 197.
Alluvial Deposits of the Lower Waikato, 4, 333.
Anas gracilis, 12, 271.
Anomalopteryx antiqua, 25, 14.
Aplysia, Two New Species of: A. brunnea and A. venosa, 7, 279.
Artesian Wells at Canterbury Museum, Behaviour of, 28, 654.
Artesian Wells near Napier, 3, 251.
Auckland and Campbell Islands, Zoological Collection from, 11, 337.
Baleen, Plates of, in Otago Museum, 7, 266.
Bats of N.Z., 4, 184.
Beetles of the Auckland Islands, 34, 175.
Birds, Our Migratory, 33, 251.
Birds of Great Barrier Island, 1, 160 [2nd ed., 104].
Birds of Little Barrier Islands, 1, 162 [2nd ed, 106].
"Birds of N.Z.," by W. L. Buller, Notes on, 6, 126.
Birds of N.Z., Nests and Eggs of some, 3, 111.
Birds of the Chatham Islands, 5, 222.
Birds, Two, new to the Fauna of N.Z.: Nyroca australis and Æstrelata [Œstrelata] gouldii, 2, 78.
Bitentaculate Slugs of N.Z., Anatomy of, 14, 158.
Blow-fly, New, from Campbell Island: Calliphora cockaynei, 36, 155.
Boulders in the Port Hills, Nelson, 24, 365.
Brachiopoda of N.Z., Tertiary, Revision of the, 37, 474.
Bryozoa of N.Z., Marine, Revised List of, 23, 102.
Canterbury Plains, Formation of the, 37, 465. [See also 16, 449.]
Carbonaceous Mineral from Whangarei Harbour, 3, 250.
Centrolophus, Occurrence in N.Z. of, 36, 149.
Chitonidæ, N.Z., 4, 173.
Chrysophanus feredayi, Note on, 33, 96.
Cirripedia of N.Z. in Otago Museum, 11, 328.
Coalfields of N.Z., Relative Ages of the, 22, 377.
Cœlenterate Fauna of N.Z., Contributions to the, 12, 274.
Colluricinela concinna, Notes on, 5, 226.
Conchology of N.Z., Contributions to the, 10, 293.
Conchothyra parasitica, 26, 358.
Cothurnia patellæ, an Infusorian parisitic on Patella argentea, 11, 330.
Cowfish, or Bottle-nosed Dolphin (Tursio metis), Description of the, 8, 180.
Crassatellites trailli, 38, 65.
Crustacea from N.Z., Two New Species of: Sesarma pentagona and Palinurus edwardsii, 7, 279.
Curlew-Sandpiper (Ancylochilus sub-arquatus), Occurrence in N.Z. of the, 36, 155.
Delphindæ of N.Z., 9, 349.
Dinornis Bones, Dimensions of, 7, 274.
Dinornithidæ, Axial Skeleton in the, 27, 157.
Diptera brachycera of N.Z., Synopsis of the, 33, 1.
Diptera Fauna of N.Z., Additions to the, 34, 179.
Diptera from the Southern Islands of N.Z., A Small Collection of, 34, 169.
Dog, The Ancient Maori, 30, 151.
Earnscleugh Cave, 7, 138.
Earthquakes in the Amuri in 1888, 21, 269.
Earthworms of N.Z. in Otago Museum, 9, 350.
Echinodermata, Catalogue of the N.Z.: Corrections and Additions, 9, 362.
Echinodermata, Some N.Z., 11, 305.
Emeus crassus, Skeleton of, from North Island, 38, 66.
Entomology of N.Z., Contributions to the, 9, 355; 12, 272.
Eruptive Rocks of the Bluff Peninsula, Southland, 23, 353.
Fauna of N.Z., Geographical Relations of, 5, 227.
Fire-drill (supposed) found in the Cave at Moa-bone Point, Sumner, 26, 516.
Fishes, Notes on some N.Z., with Description of a New Species—Crepidogaster simus, 28, 316.
Fishes of N.Z., List of, 22, 275.
Fishes, Some N.Z., 6, 104.
Fish, New: Bovichiths [Bovichthys] roseopictus, 36, 148.
Fish, New: Labrichthys roseipunctata, 12, 455.
Flies, Two New: Limnia castanea and L. striata, 36, 153.
Flight of the Albatros, Mechanical Principles involved in, 1, 58 [2nd ed., 465]; 2, 227.
Flight of the Black-backed Gull, 5, 140.
Flight, Sailing, of the Albatros: Reply to J. S. Webb, 4, 347.
Foliated Rocks of Otago, 24, 359.
Fossil Pecten, New, from the Chatham Islands: P. dendyi, 34, 196.