Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/45

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Smith, H. G. Seth.

Smith, J. A.

Smith, J. P.

Smith, S. P.

Smith, S. P., and Pond, J. A.

Smith, T. H.

Smith, W. W.

Speight, R.

Spencer, W. I.

Stack, J. W.

Stair, J. B.

Stenhouse, A.

Stephenson, G. B.

Stewart, J.

Elevation of the Waikato District, Evidences of Recent Change in the, 10, 34.
"Field" Boiler, Use of Salt Water in, 3, 318.
Hydraulic Mortar in Auckland, Experiments in, 1, 157 [2nd ed., 101].
Kauri, Mottled, 7, 376.
Lava Caves at the Three Kings, 2, 162.
Lighthouse in Ponui Passage, Foundation of, 4, 135.
Native Trees in the Auckland Domain, Growth of, 38, 374.
Presidential Address to Auckland Institute—1890, 23, 615; 1901, 34, 1.
Reclamation of Sand Wastes on the Coast, 6, 42.
River-steamers on the Waikato, Comparative Performances of, 2, 220.
Rotorua Railway and District, 24, 591.
Salmon, Introduction and Acclimatisation of the, 8, 205.
Sanatorium in Rotorua District, Establishment of a, 17, 427.
Semicircular Protractor, Use of the, with Description of Improved Form of that Instrument, 3, 316.
Water-supply for Auckland from Mount Eden, 6, 40.

Stewart, J. T.