Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/46

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Stirton, J.

Stock, A.

Stowe, E.

Stuart, W.

Sturm, F. W. C.

Suter, A. B.

Presidential Address to Nelson Philosophical Society—1883, 16, 573; 1887, 20, 476.

Suter, H.

Dredging in Hauraki Gulf, Results of; with Descriptions of Seven New Species, 39, 252.
Flabellum rugulosum, Tenison-Woods, 38, 334.
Gundlachia, The First discovered in N.Z.: G. neozelanica, 37, 258.
Insects of N.Z., Notes on, 25, 153.
Isidora, Revision of the N.Z. Species of the Genus, with Description of a New Subspecies, 37, 267; Correction, 38, 333.
Mollusca collected by Messrs. Lucas and Hodgkin in Six Lakes in N.Z., Report on, 37, 233.
Mollusca, Descriptions of New Species of N.Z., 40, 360.
Mollusca, Hutton's Manual of the N.Z.: List of the Species described, with the Corresponding Names used at the Present Time, 34, 207.
Mollusca, Land, of Little Barrier Island, 34, 204.
Mollusca, List of Land and Fresh-water, doubtful for N.Z. or not inhabiting it, 24, 281.
Mollusca, List of N.Z., described in Foreign Publications since 1890, 31, 255.
Mollusca, N.Z. Non-marine, Further Contributions to the Geographical Distribution of, 33, 151.
Mollusca, Notes on N.Z., with Descriptions of New Species and Subspecies, 38, 316.
Mollusca of N.Z., Dentition of some Land and Fresh-water; with Descriptions of New Species, 24, 286.
Mollusca of N.Z., Land and Fresh-water, Check-list of the, 26, 139.
Mollusca of N.Z., Land and Fresh-water, Miscellaneous Communications on, 24, 283.
Mollusca of N.Z., List of the Introduced Land and Fresh-water, 24, 279.
Mollusa, Result of Dredging for, near Cuvier Island, with Descriptions of New Species, 40, 344.
Molluscan Fauna of N.Z., 24, 270; 25, 147; 26, 121; 28, 319; 39, 265.
Molluscs of N.Z., Land and Fresh-water, Miscellaneous Communications on, 23, 93.
Placostylus from N.Z., A New: P. bollonsi, 40, 340.
Pleurotomidæ, Revision of the N.Z., with Descriptions of Six New Species, 31, 64.
Polyplacophora, N.Z.: Keys to Genera and Species, 31, 59.
Potamopyrgus, Revision of the N.Z. Species of the Genus, with Description of a New Species, 37, 258.
Shells of N.Z., Land and Fresh-water: Descriptions of New Species. 22, 221; 23, 84.

Suter, H., and Murdoch, R.

Sutherland, D.


Tancred, H. J.

Tancred, T. S.


Taylor, R.

Tenison-Woods, J. E.

Tennant, J. S.

Thilenius, G.

Thomas, A. P. W.