Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/59

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Melicope parvula (J. Buchanan), 20, 255.
Melicope simplex, Cleistogamic Flowers of (G. M. Thomson), 24, 416.
Meryta sinclairii (Puka), 2, 100; 16, 368.
Metrosideros robusta, Habit of (T. Kirk), 4, 267.
Metzgeria, New Species of—M. (Symphyogyna), 13, 368.
Miramar Peninsula, Wellington, Plants found on (J. Buchanan), 5, 349.
Mistletoe, A New: Viscum clavatum (T. Kirk), 24, 429.
Mitrasacme montana, Occurrence in N.Z. of a Variety of (T. Kirk), 22, 445.
Monoclea forsteri, Discovery in N.Z. of (T. Kirk), 10, 418.
Morchella esculenta: Occuncnce in N.Z. (J. B. Armstrong), 13, 343.
Mosses (see Musci).
Mount Fyffe, Subalpine Scrub of (L. Cockayne), 38, 364.
Mount Hector, Account of a Visit to, with List of Flowering-plants (D. Petrie), 40, 289.

Musci of N.Z.—
Andreæa, N.Z. Species of the Genus; with Descriptions of New Species (R. Brown), 25, 276.
Capsules of Mosses, Modifications in, with Reference to Dispersion of Spores (F. W. Hutton), 7, 342.
Cryptogamic Plants, New (W. Colenso), 18, 219; 19, 271; 20, 234; 21, 43; 28, 615.
Genus Grimmia (R. Brown), 27, 409.
Genus Orthotrichum (R. Brown), 27, 422.
Genus Pottia (R. Brown), 26, 288.
Gymnostotmum, New Species of (C. Knight), 7, 354.
Hennedia, Proposed New Genus; with Description of Three New Species (R. Brown), 25, 285.
Moss Flora of N.Z., Additions to the (T. W. N. Beckett), 31, 426.
Mosses of N.Z. (T. W. N. Beckett), 27, 403; 29, 441.
Musci of Calcareous Districts of N.Z. (R. Brown), 35, 323.
New Species of (T. W. N. Beckett), 25, 289; 26, 274.
Notes on (R. Brown), 31, 437; 32, 137; 33 330.
Notes on, and Descriptions of New Species (R. Brown), 29, 465; 30, 412; 31, 442.
Notes on New Genus Dendia (R. Brown), 30, 411.
Notes on Genus Dicranum, with Description of New Species, including some Doubtful Species of Blindia (R. Brown), 29, 451.
Notes on Genus Gymnostomum, with Descriptions of New Species (R. Brown), 26, 296.
Notes on Proposed New Genus Stirtonia (R. Brown), 32, 149.
Notes on Genus Streptopogon, with Description of a New Species, S. hookerii (R. Brown), 30, 409.
Notes on New Genus Tetracocinodon (R. Brown), 28, 531.
Notes on Genus Tortula, with Descriptions of New Species (R. Brown), 30, 399.
Notes on Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of some New Species (R. Brown), 29, 478.
Notes on New Species belonging to the Genus Seligera—S. cardotii (R. Brown), 30, 398.
Notes on some Species of: Genus Phascum (R. Brown), 26, 302.
Some Little-known N.Z. Mosses (T. W. N. Beckett), 25, 297; 26, 277.

Myoporum lætum, Glands in the Leaf and Stem of (C. Alexander), 19, 314.
Myosotis and Gunnera, Occurrence in Chatham Islands of the Genera (L. Cockayne), 33, 298.
Myosotis (Exarchena), 17, 235.
Myrsinaceæ, Recent Changes in Nomenclature of N.Z. (L. Cockayne), 35, 355.
Naturalised Plants of N.Z., especialy those in Province of Auckland (T. Kirk), 2, 131.
Nelson and Marlborough, Flora of, compared with that of Canterbury (W. T. L. Travers), 1, Pt. iii. 17 [2nd ed., 174.
Nelson and Marlborough, Geographical Botany of (D. Monro), 1, Pt. iii, 6 [2nd ed., 161.
Nelson District: Botanical Notes (R. I. Kingsley), 28, 537.
Nelson District, &c., from West Wanganui, Plants new to (R. I. Kingsley), 27, 407.
Nelson Province, Additional Contributions to Flora of (T. Kirk), 18, 318.
Nelson Province, Flora of (T. F. Cheeseman), 14, 301.
Nephrodium decompositum and N. glabellum (T. Kirk), 10, 398.
Nikau-tree, Branched (S. P. Smith), 10, 357.
Nomenclature, Botanical, Notes on; with Remarks on the Rules adopted by the International Botanical Congress of Vienna (T. F. Cheeseman), 40, 447.
North Cape District, Flora of (T. F. Cheeseman), 29, 333.
North Island of N.Z., Geographic and Economic Botany of (W. Colenso), 1, (independently paginated) [2nd ed., 233.
Notospartium, Carmichaelia, Corallospartium, and Huttonella (T. Kirk), 29, 501.
Notothlaspi hookeri (J. Buchanan), 20, 255.
Noxious Weeds in Nelson District (R. I. Kingsley), 27, 407.
Okarito District. List of Plants collected in (A. Hamilton), 11, 435.
Okarito, Plants collected at: Notes on Mr. Hamilton's Collection (T. Kirk), 11, 439.
Olearia hectori, Notice of (D. Petrie), 16, 393.
Olearias, Macrocephalous, of N.Z.; with Description of a New Species (T. Kirk), 23, 443.
Olives, N.Z. (T. Kirk), 14, 375.
Open Bay Islands, Vegetation of the (L. Cockayne), 37, 368.
Orchids, Australian, Occurrence in N.Z. of (T. Kirk), 24, 425.
Orchids of N.Z., Means of Fertilisation among some (G. M. Thomson), 11, 418.
Organic Productions of N.Z., Distribution of the (W. T. L. Travers), 16, 461.
Orobanche, a Genus new to Flora of N.Z.. Occurrence of (T. Kirk), 2, 106.