Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/60

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Orobanche, Species of (supposed to be new), 21, 41.
Otago. Botany of (T. Kirk), 10, 406.
Otago. History of Botany in (T. Kirk), 29, 532.
Otago. List of Flowering-plants indigenous to, with Indications of their Distribution and Range in Altitude (D. Petrie), 28, 540; 29, 421.
Otago, Naturalised Plants of (G. M. Thomson), 7, 370.
Otago, Notes on some Plants of (G. M. Thomson), 9, 538.
Otago Plants, New Habitats of (B. C. Aston), 31, 747.
Otago Plants omitted from Kirk and Petrie's Lists (B. C. Aston), 31, 747.
Otago, Sketch of Botany of (J. Buchanan), 1, Pt. iii, 22 [2nd ed. 181.
Ottelia in N.Z., Occurrence of (T. F. Cheeseman), 31, 350.
Palm-lily, Occurrence on the Auckland Peninsula of an Undescribed (T. Kirk), 28, 508.
Panax arboreum, Occurrence of, as an Epiphyte on the Stems of Tree-fems in the Mauku District (H. Carse), 34, 359.
Panax lineare, Notes on (T. Kirk), 9, 492.
Panax, Revised Descriptions of Two Species of N.Z.: P. crassifolium and P. longissimum (J. Buchanan), 9, 529.
Papers and Notices on Botanical Subjects in Trans. N.Z. Inst. and other Publications, List of (A. Hamilton), 36, 342.
Paratrophis heterophylla, Remarks on (T. Kirk), 29, 498.
Phænogams, New (W. Colenso), 19, 259; 20, 188; 21, 80; 22, 459; 25, 324; 26, 313; 27, 383; 28, 591; 31, 266.
Phanerogams, Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of N.Z., and their Development (L. Cockayne), 31, 354; 32, 83; 33, 265.
Phormium colensoi, Abnormal Growth of a Plant of (W. L. Williams), 36, 333.
Phormium tenax (C. Heaphy), 2, 116.
Phormium tenax, Chemistry of (A. H. Church), 6, 260.
Phormium tenax, Growth of (T. M. Haultain), 5, 357.
Phormium tenax, Preparation of (A. G. Purchas), 1, 66 [2nd ed., 473.
Phormium tenax, Structure and Colour of Fibre of (T. Nottidge), 2, 108.
Phormium tenax, Structure of Leaf of (F. W. Hutton), 2, 111.
Phormium tenax, Utilisation of (W. T. L. Travers), 1, 168 [2nd ed., 114.
Phyllitis fascia, Occurrence in N.Z. of (R. M. Laing), 39, 220.
Phyllocladus, N.Z. Species of: P. glauca, P. trichomanoides, and P. alpina (T. Kirk), 10, 378.
Philloglosum, The Prothalllum of (A. P. W. Thomas), 34, 402.
Phytophthora infestans, Notes on the Spread of, with Special Reference to Hybeniating Mycelium (A. H. Cockayne), 40, 316.
Pilularia, New Species of: P. novæ-zealandiæ (T. Kirk), 9, 547.
Pimelea, New Species of: P. suteri (T. Kirk), 26, 259.
Pine, A New: Podocarpus acutifolius (T. Kirk), 16, 370.
Pirongia Mountain, Botany of (T. F. Cheeseman), 12, 317.
Pisonia brunoniana, a Bird-killing Tree (R. H. Govett), 16, 364.
Pisonia umbellifera (T. Kirk), 16, 367.
Pittosporum and Loranthus in Herbarium of Colonial Museum, An Undescribed (T. Kirk), 3, 161.
Pittosporum, N.Z. Species of (T. Kirk), 4, 260.
Pittosporum obcordatum, Notes on (T. F. Cheeseman), 39, 435.
Pituri, A New Vegetable Product (S. M. Curl), 11, 411.
Plant-acclimatisation in N.Z. (G. M. Thomson), 33, 313.
Plant-habitats, Some Hitherto-unrecorded (L. Cockayne), 37, 361; 39, 361; 40, 304.
Plants, Descriptions of New (T. Kirk), 3, 177; 9, 547; 10, 419; 11, 463; 13, 384.
Plants from N.Z. Forests, New (W. Colenso), 12, 359; 14, 329.
Plants growing at "The Gums," Taita (T. Mason), 29, 393; 35, 374.
Plants, New Indigenous (W. Colenso), 15, 320; 17, 237; 18, 256; 23, 381; 24, 387.
Plants, New Native (D. Petrie), 14, 362; 17, 269; 18, 295; 19, 323; 325; 22, 439; 25, 269; 26, 266; 27, 405; 28, 538; 29, 425; 33, 328; 34, 390.
Plants, New Native, with Notes on some Known Species (D. Petrie), 23, 398.
Plants New to N.Z., and Description of a New Species (J. Buchanan), 14, 356.
Plants New to the N.Z. Flora (T. F. Cheeseman), 29, 390.
Plants of N.Z. (J. Buchanan), 12, 380.
Plants of N.Z., New (J. B. Armstrong), 13, 335; 14, 359.
Plants of N.Z., New (S. Berggren), 13, 290.
Plants of N.Z., New Species and Varieties of (J. Buchanan), 2, 88; 3, 208; 4, 224; 6, 241; 16, 394; 19, 213.
Plants of N.Z.. New Species of (J. F. Armstrong), 4, 290.
Plants of N.Z., Occurrence and Habits of some of the (W. S. Hamilton), 17, 290.
Plants of N.Z. successfully cultivated in Scotland (W. Gorrie), 13, 428.
Pleurophyllum (T. Kirk), 23, 431.
Podocarpus acutifolius, a New Pine (T. Kirk), 16, 370.
Polygonum aviculare, Nativity in N.Z. of (T. Kirk), 4, 238.
Polygonum aviculare, Nativity in N.Z. of: Reply to W. T. L. Travers (T. Kirk), 5, 320.
Polygonum aviculare, Origin in N.Z. of (W. T. L. Travers), 5, 310.
Polypodium, New Species of (T. F. Cheeseman), 10, 356.
Pomaderris, New Species of: P. tainui (J. Hector), 11, 428.
Poor Knights Islands, Brief Botanical Visit to (L. Cockayne), 38, 351.