Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/65

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Castle Rock, Coromandel (J. M. Maclaren), 32, 213.
Castle Rocks, Southland, Fissures and Caves at; with Description of Remains of Existing and Extinct Birds found in them (A. Hamilton), 25, 88.; 26, 226.
Earnscleugh Cave (F. W. Hutton), 7, 138.
Greymouth District, Caves and Water-passages in the (H. N. McLeod), 36, 479.
Martinboroush District, Caves in the, and Moa-bones found therein (H. N. McLeod), 34, 562.
Papatu, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay, Cave at (H. N. McLeod), 33, 343.
Sumner, Newly opened Cave near (J. T. Meeson), 22, 64.
Takiroa Caves, Waitaki Valley (W. B. D. Mantell), 1, 18 [2nd ed., 6].
Three Kings, Lava Caves at the (J. Stewart), 2, 162.
Clarendon Phosphate-deposits, Otago (A. R. Andrew), 38, 447.
Age and Relations of the Coalfields of N.Z. (J. Park), 36, 405.
Auckland Province, Coals and Coalfields in (J. M. Tunny), 8, 387.
Coal (?), 39, 475.
Coals for Steam Purposes, Determining the Value of (J. R. George), 4, 151.
Extent and Duration of Workable Coal in N.Z. (J. Park), 21, 325.
Gas-producing Materials: Relative Value of N.S.W. and N.Z. Coals (J. R. George), 4, 146.
Relative Ages of the Australian, Tasmanian, and N.Z. Coalfields (J. Hector), 10, 532.
Relative Ages of the Coalfields of N.Z. (F. W. Hutton ), 22, 377.
Waitemata, Prospects of finding Workable Coal on the Shores of the (J. Park), 24, 380.
Wellington Province, Probability of finding Extensive Coal-deposits in (J. C. Crawford), 8, 379.
Coast-line at Manukau Heads, Traditional Change in the (S. P. Smith), 11, 514.
Coast-line between Kai Iwi and Waitotara, Remarks on (R. Pharazyn), 2, 158.
Coast-line in the Northern Part of the North Island, Indications of Changes in the (S. P. Smith), 13, 398.
Coast-line of the North Island of N.Z., Alterations in (C. F. Maxwell), 29, 564.
Coast-line of Southern Part of North Island of N.Z., Indications of Changes in Level of (J. C. Crawford), 1, 38 [2nd ed., 442].
Coast-line, Secular Movements of the N.Z. (J. Park), 34, 440.
Contact Metamorphism at the New Brockley Coal-mine. Malvern Hills (W. P. Evans), 31, 557.
Cook Strait River: Did it flow to the North-west or to the South-east? (J. C. Crawford), 7, 448.
Dannevirke and Wainui, Hawke's Bay, Country between (H. Hill), 26, 392.
Date at which the North and South Islands of N.Z. were united (J. C. Crawford), 7, 451.
Denudation as a Factor of Geological Time (H. Hill), 28, 666.
Destruction of Land by Shingle-bearing Rivers (A. D. Dobson), 4, 153.
Drift Beds of Wakapuaka and Port Hills, with Remarks on the Boulder Bank and its Formation (W. Wells), 17, 344.
Drift in South Canterbury (J. Hardcastle), 23, 311.
Dyke at Nugget Point, Note on a (R. Speight), 36, 477.
Dyke, Remarkable, on the Hills near Heathcote (A. D. Dobson), 13, 391.
Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena observed in N.Z. in 1868 (J. Hector), 1, 93 [2nd ed., 35].
Earthquakes on Land and Sea in 1868 (J. von Haast), 1, 196 [2nd ed., 147].
Earthquake in Wellington, 1st February, 1868 (C. J. Abraham), 1, 33 [2nd ed., 436].
Earthquake of 5th December, 1881, felt at Christchurch, Determination of the Origin of the (G. Hogben), 23, 465.
Earthquake of 1st September, 1888, and its Bearing on the Architecture of Wellington (W. M. Maskell), 21, 492.
Earthquakes in the Amuri in 1888 (F. W. Hutton), 21, 269.
Earthquakes in Amuri District in 1888 (A. McKay), 21, 508.
Earthquake of 27th December, 1888, felt in Canterbury and Westland, Origin of (G. Hogben), 23, 470.
Earthquake of 7th March, 1890, felt at Napier, Gisborne, and other Places (G. Hogben), 23, 473.
Earthquake of 24th June, 1891 (G. Hogben), 24, 574.
Earthquake of 5th July, 1891, in Cook Strait: an Attempt to define the Epicentrum (G. Hogben), 24, 577.
Earthquake of 4th December, 1891 (G. Hogben), 25, 362.
Earthquake, Tasmanian, of 27th January, 1892 (G. Hogben), 31, 594.
Earthquake at Nelson, 12th February, 1893 (G. Hogben), 26, 347.
Earthquake at Wanganui on 8th December, 1897 (G. Hogben), 31, 583.
Earthquake of 8th December, 1897 (H. C. Field), 30, 447.
Earthquake, East Coast, of 9th August, 1904 (G. Hogben), 37, 421.
Earthquake Motion as observed in N.Z., Notes on the Comparison of some Elements of, with their Theoretic Values (G. Hogben), 31, 590.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Prime Causes of the Phenomena of (W. T. L. Travers), 19, 331.
Earthquakes in N.Z. (J. Hector), 20, 450.
Earthquakes in the Vicinity of Wanganui (H. C. Field), 24, 569.