Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/66

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Earthquake Waves observed on the Coast of N.Z., Earlier (C. Davie), 2, 222.
Earthquake Wave at Bay of Islands. 11th May, 1877 (J. Macfarlane), 10, 551.
Earthquake Wave felt at Gisborne, 11th May, 1877 (Captain Crisp), 10, 551.
Milne Earthquake Diagrams, Interpretation of (C. C. Farr), 35, 415.
Path of Earthquake-waves through the Earth (G. Hogben), 37, 424.
Seismograms of Distant Earthquakes (G. Hogben), 33, 560.
Seismograph, A Compound (W. A. Carew), 26, 461.
Seismograph, A New Form of (F. Bull), 18, 69.
Seismograph for indicating or registering Minute Shocks, Electro-magnetic (W. Skey), 4, 330.
Seismograph Records, Christchurch (C. C. Farr), 34, 607; 35, 593.
Seismograph Records, Christchurch (H. F. Skey), 37, 582; 38, 568.
Seismograph Records at Wellington (G. Hogben), 34, 598; 35, 582; 37, 588; 38, 572.
Theory of N.Z. Earthquakes (G. Hogben), 38, 502.
Tidal Wave at Bay of Islands, 11th May, 1877 (J. F. Martin), 10, 520.
Wave Phenomena observed in Lyttelton Harbour in 1868 (F. D. Gibson), 1, 195 [2nd ed., 146].
(Seismograph Records are given in Appendices to Vols. 1–38, since when they have been published in the N.Z. Gazette)
Earth's Rotation, Influence of the, on the Course of the Rivers on the Canterbury Plains (F. W. Hilgendorf), 39, 206.
Earth's Rotation: its Influence on Rivers (A. C. Baines), 10, 92.
Elevation of the Waikato District, Direct Evidence of a Change in the (A. Hunter), 16, 459.
Elevation of the Waikato District, Evidences of Recent Change in the (J. Stewart), 10, 34.
Fossils (see Palæontology, p. 60).
Geography and Topography of Australia, with some N.Z. Comparisons and Contrasts (J. C. Crawford), 4, 364.
Geological History of N.Z. (F. W. Hutton), 32, 159.
Ancient Glaciers in Nelson Province (A. D. Dobson), 4, 336.
Cause of the Former Great Extension of the Glaciers in N.Z. (F. W. Hutton), 8, 383.
Date of Glacial Period of N.Z.: a Comparison of Views (A. D. Dobson), 7, 440.
Date of the Last Great Glacier Period in N.Z. (F. W. Hutton), 5, 384.
Extinct Glaciers of Middle Island of N.Z. (W. T. L. Travers), 6, 297.
Glacial Action and Terrace Formations of South N.Z. (J. T. Thomson), 6, 309.
Glacial Epoch, The Last: explained by Major-General Draysons Discovery of the Second Rotation of the Earth (H. Schaw), 27, 513.
Glacial Period, Notes on the (A. D. Dobson), 6, 294.
Glacial Period of N.Z. (T. Mackay), 7, 447.
Glaciated Stones from Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu (E. G. Hogg), 37, 426.
Glacier Moraines in the Leith Valley, Dunedin (J. Park), 34, 444.
Glacier-motion (J. Hardcastle), 23, 332.
Glaciers (W. Fox), 5, 433.
Kingston Moraine (P. Marshall), 35, 387.
Murchison Glacier (G. E. Mannering), 23, 355.
New Zealand as a Post-glacial Centre of Creation (T. H. Cockburn-Hood), 10, 3.
Pleistocene Beds of Hawke's Bay and the Glacial Period (H. Hill), 27, 451.
Pleistocene Glaciation of N.Z., Notes on Dr. Haast's supposed (W. T. L. Travers), 7, 409.
Greensands of the Waihao Forks (F. W. Hutton), 20, 264.
Hataitai Valley, Changes in the (J. C. Crawford), 17, 342.
Hawke's Bay, Northern Portion of (S. P. Smith), 9, 565.
Hawke's Bay Plain: Past and Present (H. Hill), 30, 515.
Hokitika River, Changes in (J. Rochfort), 3, 299.
Kakanui District (J. A. Thomson), 38, 482.
Kermadec Group, Geological Notes on the (S. P. Smith), 20, 333.
Kuaotunu Goldfield (J. Park), 26, 360.
Lake Districts of Otago, Physical Geography of (J. McKerrow), 3, 254.
Lake System of N.Z., Old, with Observations as to Formation of Canterbury Plains (J. C. Crawford), 8, 369.
Lake Wakatipu, Formation of (F. W. Hutton), 5, 394.
Lake Wakatipu, Formation of (W. Stuart), 14, 407.
Lakes, Wind-formed (J. C. Crawford), 12, 415.
Lake Wakatipu, Geological Notes on the Country North-west of (P. Marshall), 38, 560.
Loess Deposit of the Timaru Plateau, Origin of the (J. Hardcastle), 22, 406.
Lower Mesozoic Rocks of N.Z., On the Subdivisions of the (J. Park), 36, 373.
Lyell, Country about (F. W. Hutton), 22, 387.
Maitai Series, Jurassic Age of the (J. Park), 36, 431.
Manukau Harbour, North Head of (F. W. Hutton), 2, 161.
Marine Tertiaries of Otago and Canterbury, with Special Reference to the Relations existing between the Pareora and Oamaru Series (J. Park), 37, 489.
Metallurgy and Mineralogy—
Alluvial Deposits of Otago (L. O. Beal), 3, 270; 21, 332.
Alluvial Deposits of the Lower Waikato (F. W. Hutton), 4, 333.
Alluvial Gold in the Province of Wellington (J. C. Crawford), 2, 160.
Auriferous Cements in N.Z., Distribution of (J. Hector), 13, 429.