Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 41to51.djvu/10

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Archey, G.

Craterostigmus tasmanianus Pocock (Chilopoda), The Occurrence in N.Z. of, 49, 319.
Crayfish, Fresh-water, in N.Z., 47, 295.
Crayfish, Marine, in N.Z., 48, 396.
Daphnia new to N.Z., Species of, 46, 124.
Hydra found in N.Z., Notes on Species of, 44, Proc. I, 25.
Lithobiomorpha of N.Z., 49, 303.
Myriapoda of the Genus Scutigerella, Order Symphyla, Occurrence in N.Z. of, 47, 293.

Aston, B. C.

Alkaloids of the Pukatea, 42, Proc. II, 56; 43, Proc. II, 51.
Botanical Notes on a Journey across Tararuas, 42, 13.
Bush Sickness, The Chemistry of, 44, 288.
Flora of Ruahine Mountain-chain, with List of Plants, 46, 40.
Imported Animals, Effects of, on Indigenous Vegetation, 44, Proc. I, 19.
Phanerogamic Plants Indigenous to Wellington Province, List of, 43, 225.
Plant-habitats hitherto unrecorded for N.Z., 42, 26; 46, 55; 47, 67.
Raised Beaches of Cape Turakirae, 44, 208.
Vegetation of Tarawera Mountains, 48, 304.


Balfour, J. B.

Pratia angulata Hook f. and Lobelia linnaeoides Petrie, 43, Proc. II, 54.

Ball, C. F.

Olearias in Ireland, 44, Proc. I, 33.

Bartrum, J. A.

Concretions in Recent Sediments of Auckland Harbour, 49, 425.
Distribution of Igneous Rocks in N.Z., Additional Facts concerning the, 49, 418.
Fossiliferous Bed at Kawa Creek, West Coast, South of Waikato River, 51, 101.
Geological History of Westport-Charleston High-level Terraces, 46, 255.
High-water Rock Platforms: A Phase of Shore-line Erosion, 48, 132.
Intrusive Igneous Rocks from Westport District, Some, 46, 262.
New Fossil Mollusca, 51, 96.
Rocks of Mount Cargill, Dunedin, 44, 163.

Bathgate, A.

Presidential Address, 1911, 44, Proc. I, 12.

Bavay, M.

Pecten multisquamatus Dunker, and Pecten radiatus Hutton, 43, Proc. II, 56.

Beccari, O.

On a New South Polynesian Palm, with Notes on the Genus Rhopalostylis Wendl. & Drude, 49, 47.

Bell, J. M.

Physiography of Wellington Harbour, 42, 534.

Bell, J. M., and Clarke, E. de C.

Geological Reconnaissance of Northernmost N.Z., 42, 613.

Bell, N. M.

Velocity of Evolution of Oxygen from Bleaching-powder Solutions in Presence of Cobalt Nitrate, and the Modifications produced by the Addition of various Compounds, 43, 26.

Bendall, W. E., and Kirk, H. B.

Report on Kapiti Island, 51, 468.

Benham, W. B.

Bifurcation in Lumbricus rubellus, A Remarkable Case of, 47, 185.
Earthworms from Stephen Island and D'Urville Island, 51, 35.
Footprints of the Moa, Notes on, 45, 211.
Hydra new to N.Z., Species of, 42, Proc. IV, 128.
Lumbricillus macquariensis Benham, 47, 189.
Moa-remains on Stewart Island, Discovery of, 42, 354.
Nomenclature of Birds of N.Z., 46, 188.
Oligochaeta from Kermadec Islands, 47, 174.
Polychaeta, N.Z., Notes on some, 47, 161; 48, 386.
Polychaetous Annelids from Kermadec Islands, 47, 170.
Presidental Address, 1917, 49, 543; 1918, 50, 338.
Stellerids and Echinids from Kermadec Islands, 43, 140.
Sundry Invertebrates from Kermadec Islands, Report on, 44, 135.
Two Unusual Blood-vessels in Hyla aurea, Occurrence of, 51, 30.

Benham, W. B., and Cameron, G. M.

Nephridia of Perieodrilus ricardi and P. montanus, 45, 191.

Berry, S. S.

Cephalopoda from Kermadec Islands, 46, 134.

Best, E.

Maori and Maruiwi: Notes on the Original Inhabitants of N.Z. and their Culture; on the Question of how that Culture affected Later-coming Maori; and on the Existence in these Isles of Customs, Arts, and Artifacts not traceable to Polynesia, 48, 435.
Maori Forest Lore: Part II, 41, 231; Part III, 42, 433.
Maori Voyagers and their Vessels: How the Maori explored the Pacific and laid down the Sea Roads for all Time, 48, 447.