Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 41to51.djvu/11

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Betts, M. W.

Autecology of certain Plants of the Peridotite Belt, Nelson: Part I, Structure of some of the Plants, No. 1, 50, 230; No. 2, 51, 136.

Bird, J. W.

Observations on the Lianes of the Ancient Forest of Canterbury Plain, 48, 315.

Birks, L., and Webb, E.

Investigations into the Resistance of Earth Connections, 48, 464.

Bitter, G.

Die Gattung Acaena, 44, Proc. II, 57.

Briffault, R.

Presidential Address, 1911, 43, Proc. I, 14.

Brittin, G.

Coccidae in Canterbury Museum, Notes on some, with a Description of a New Species, 48, 423.
Coccidae, New, 47, 149, 156.

Broadgate, F. K.

The "Red Rocks" and Associated Beds of Wellington Peninsula, 48, 76.

Broun, T.

Coleoptera, Descriptons of New Genera and Species of, 44, 379; 45, 97.
Coleoptera from Chatham Islands, 41, 145; 42, 306; 43, 92.
Coleoptera of Kermadec Islands, 42, 291.
Cossonidae, N.Z., Revision of, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species, 41, 151.

Brown, J. M.

Migrations of the Polynesians according to the Evidence of their Language, 44, 189.

Bryant, J. T.

Ground-temperature at Owaka, Notes on, 42, Proc. II, 59.

Buckman, S. S.

Terminology for Beak and Foraminal Development in Brachiopoda, 51, 450.
Terminology for Foraminal Development in Terebratuloids (Brachiopoda), 48, 130.

Buddle, R.

Maori Rock-engravings in Kaipara District, 43, 596.

Burbidge, P. W., and Laby, T. H.

Nature of Gamma Rays, 44, Proc. I, 30.

Burlinghame, L. L.

Staminate Cone and Male Gametophyte of Podocarpus, 42, Proc. Ill, 88.

Burrell, A. W.

To what Extent is Earth-rotation the Cause of Ocean Currents? 51, 264.


Cameron, G. M.

The Minute Structure of the Nephridium of the Earthworm Maoridrilus rosae Beddard, 45, 172.

Cameron, G. M., and Benham, W. B.

Nephridia of Perieodrilus ricardi and P. montanus, 45, 191.

Carse, H.

Ferns and Fern Allies of Mangonui County, with some Notes on Abnormal Forms, 47, 76.
Flora of Mangonui County, 43, 194; 45, 276; 48, 237.
Hypolepis, A New Species of, 50, 64.
Parsonsia rapsularis R. Br., Notes on, 49, 45.
Pteris macilenta, New Variety of, 51, 95.

Chambers, J. M.

N.Z. Ironsands: Historical Account of an Attempt to smelt Ironsands at Onehunga in 1883, 50, 223.

Cheeseman, T. F.

Aciphylla, with Description of New Species, Notes on, 47, 39.
Burmanniaceae, a Family new to N.Z. Flora, Discovery of a Species of, 41, 140.
Celmisia, Description of a New, 46, 21.
Flora of N.Z., Contributions to a Fuller Knowledge of, 42, 200; 43, 178; 46, 1; 51, 85.
Flora of N.Z., Recent Additions to, 42, 216; 51, 92.
Helichrysum fasciculatum Buchanan, Notes on 44, Proc. 1, 24.
Kauri, Age and Growth of, 46, 9.
Leucopogon Richei on Mainland of N.Z., 42, 214.
Pittosporum Dallii, Notes on, 46, 19.
Plants, A New Genus and some New Species of, 44, 159.
Plants, New Species of, 43, 175; 45, 93; 48, 210.
Plants, New Species of Flowering, 47, 45.
Presidential Address, 1912, 44, Proc. III, 75; 1913, 45, 420.

Chilton, C.

Amphipoda of N.Z., Fresh-water, 41, 53.
Amiphipodan Genera Bircenna, &c., Note on, 41, 59.
Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station, Notes from: No. 1, Introduction and General Description of Station, 47, 331.
Ceina, An Aberrant Genus of the Amphipodan Family Talitridae, 51, 118.
Crab, A Fresh-water, and its Distribution in Australia and N.Z., 47, 316.
Crustacea, Miscellaneous Notes on N.Z., 44, 128.
Crustacea of Kermadec Islands, 43, 544.
Dispersal of Marine Crustacea by Means of Ships, 43, 131.