Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 41to51.djvu/13

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Devereux, H. B.

Cirrus Clouds, Direction of Motion of, 45, 18.
Waihi, Rainfall and Meteorology of, 42, 408.

Diels, L.

Ourisia modesta Diels, eine neue Art Neuseelands, 43, Proc. II, 56.
Pflanzengeographie, 43, Proc. II, 51.

Domin, K.

Monographie der Gattung Koeleria, 44, Proc. III, 95.

Donovan, W.

Titanium, Phosphorus, and Vanadium in Taranaki Ironsands, The Distribution of, 48, 503.

Donovan, W., and Maclaurin, J. S.

Estimation of Iron in Iron-ores, 41, 49.

Downes, T. W.

Eels and Eel-weirs (Tuna and Pa-tuna), 50, 296.
Ngati Kahu-ngunu Chief Nuku-Pewapewa, Life of, 45, 364.
Period of Extinction of the Moa, New Light on, 48, 426.
Rangitikei, Early History of, 42, 74.

Drummond, J.

Birds on Kapiti Island, 41, 30.
Methods of snaring Birds used by the Maoris, with Notes on a Bird known to Maoris as "Tiaka," 44, Proc. III, 87.

Dusén, P.

Die tertiare Flora der Seymour-Insel, 42, Proc. II, 83.


Easterfield, T. H.

Studies on Chemistry of N.Z. Flora: IV, Chemistry of the Podocarpi, 43, 53.

Easterfield, T. H., and McDowell, J. C.

V, Chemistry of Podocarpus totara and P. spicatus, 48, 518.

Easterfield, T. H., and Taylor, C. M.

Interaction of Iron with Higher Fatty Acids, 44, 301.

Edgerley, K. V.

Prothallia of Three N.Z. Lycopods, 47, 94.

Eliott, M. A.

Evidences of the Condition of the Interior of the Earth, 43, Proc. III, 94.


Farnie, W. C.

Structure of Amphibola crenata Martyn, 51, 69.

Farquhar, H.

Echinoderms, Two New, 45, 212.
Starfishes, N.Z., 41, 126.

Farquharson, R. A.

Platinum Gravels of Orepuki, 43, 448.

Farr, C. C., and Florance, D. C. H.

Influence of Ripples on the Gas Content of Artesian Waters of Christchurch, 42, 237.
Radio-activity of Artesian Water of Christchurch, and Effect on Fish-life, 42, 185.

Farr, C. C., and McLeod, D. B.

Further Experiments on the Influence of Artesian Water on the Hatching of Trout, 43, 55.

Farr, C. C., and Others.

Report on the Natural Features of Arthur's Pass Tunnel, 51, 422.

Farrow, F. D.

Depression of Freezing-point of Water by Carbon Dioxide in Solution, 43, 29.

Fathers, H. T. M.

Composition of Nitric Acid, Note on, 44, 299.

Finlayson, A. M.

Quartz Veins of Otago Goldfields, Geology of, 41, 64.
Reefton Gold Veins, Geology of, 41, 85.

Fitchett, F.

Physiological Action of Tutin, 41, 286.

Fletcher, H. J.

Comparatively Recent Changes in the Vegetation of Taupo District, 47, 70.
Edible Fish of Taupo-nui-a-Tia, 51, 259.

Florance, D. C. H., and Farr, C. C.

Influence of Ripples on the Gas Content of Artesian Waters of Christchurch, 42, 237.
Radio-activity of Artesian Water of Christchurch, and Effect on Fish-life, 42, 185.

Foweraker, C. E.

Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station, Notes from; No. 5, Mat-plants, Cushion-plants, and Allied Forms of Cass River Bed, 49, 1.

Foweraker, C. E., and Cockayne, L.

Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station: No. 4, Principal Plant Associations in Immediate Vicinity of the College Station, 48, 166.