Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 41to51.djvu/14

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Ffx, C. E.

Oceanic Comparatives, 42, 1.

Frankland, F. W.

Obituary, 49, 544.

Fulton, Robert.

Pipiwharauroa, or Bronze Cuckoo, 42, 392.


Gardeners' Chronicle, Editor.

Hybrid Veronicas, 44, Proc. I, 33.

Gatenby, G. B.

Nest, Life-history and Habits of Migas distinctus, a N.Z. Trap-door Spider, 44, 234.

Gepp, A. and E. S.

Marine Algae from the Kermadecs, 44, Proc. II, 55.

Ghigi, A.

New Zealand Ctenophores, 43, Proc. I, 27.

Gibbs, L. S.

Deforestation in N.Z., 43, Proc. II, 54.
Hepatics of N.Z., 44, Proc. II, 60.
Trees and Shrubs of N.Z., 43, Proc. II, 54.

Godby, M. H.

Preliminary Investigation of Age and Manner of Growth of Brown Trout in Canterbury as shown by a Microscopic Examination of their Scales, 51, 42.

Godman, F. C.

New Zealand Petrels, 42, Proc. II, 61; 43, Proc. I, 28.

Grant, J.

Dactylanthus Taylori, Discovery of, 43, Proc. III, 98.

Gudex, M. C.

Fossil Mollusca from Blue Cliffs, Canterbury, 46, 278.
Striated Stones from St. Bernard Saddle, Upper Waimakariri Valley, 41, 33.
Tertiary Beds in Pareora District, South Canterbury, 50, 244.

Gwynne-Vaughan, D. T., and Kidston, R.

Fossil Osmundaceae, 43, Proc. II, 52.


Hall, H. M.

Studies in Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, 44, Proc. II, 55.

Hall, T. S.

Graptolites, Golden Ridge, 47, 411.
Graptolites, Occurrence of Lower Ordovician, in Western Otago, 47, 410.

Hamilton, A.

Armour presented to Titore by William IV in 1835, 42, 40.
Chrysalis of Australian Wood-boring Moth found in Wellington, 42, Proc. I, 15.
Deinacrida rugosa Buller, 45, 210.
Lepidoptera from Queenstown District collected by H. Hamilton, 41, 44.
Palaeontology, Present Position of N.Z., 42, 46.
Presidential Address, 1910, 42, Proc. IV, 99; 1911, 43, Proc. III, 74; 1910 (Wellington Phil. Soc), 43. Proc. I, 5.
Obituary, 46, v, 355, 363; 50, 333.

Hamilton, H.

Entomological Collecting Tours during Seasons 1908–9 and 1909–10, 43, 115.
Trachipterus: Notes on the Occurrence of the Genus in N.Z., 48, 370.

Handel-Mazetti, H. F. von

Monographie der Gattung Taraxacum, 44, Proc. III, 95.

Hare, E. J.

Perlidae, Neuroptera-Planipennia, and Trichoptera of N.Z., Some Additions to, 42, 29.

Harrison, L., and Johnston, T. H.

Mallophaga from the Kermadecs. Collection of, 44, 363.

Henderson, J.

Coalfields of West Nelson, with Notes on Formation of Coal, 43, 297.
Genesis of the Surface Forms and Present Drainage-systems of West Nelson, 43, 306.

Henslow, G.

Remarkable Instances of Plant-dispersion, 44, Proc. I, 33.

Herriott, E. M.

Fresh-water Crustacean Lepidurus viridis Baird, The Occurrence and Habits of, 49, 284.
Hagley Park, Christchurch, A History of, with Special Reference to its Botany, 51, 427.

Hetherington, J. R.

Records of Borings at Horotiu, 47, 613.

Hilgendorf, F. W.

Calyptoblast Hydroids from Kermadec Islands, 43, 540.
Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station, Notes from: No. 6. Insect-life, 50, 135.
Fluctuations in the Level of Water in some Artesian Wells in Christchurch Area, 44, 142; 49, 491.
Kermadec Island Fleas, 49, 428.