Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/48

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with oil after removing all the crusts excepting only those covering the brains and smearing them with powdered or pasted turmeric and salt. Pasted onions may also be added along with turmeric and salt in frying the lobsters. Fried onions may be added with fried lobsters instead of frying the latter with pasted onions.

MASUR DAL (Simple).

Required:—Masur dal 1/2 seer, ghee 1 chhatak, curd 1 chhatakj ginger 1 tola, pepper 1/2 tola, cumin 1/2 tola, turmeric 1/4 tola, cassia leaves 4 in number, panch-foron 1 pinch, salt 11/2 tola, water 11/4 seer, fenugreek 1 pinch.

Method:—Boil the washed dal in water. Add powdered turmeric and cassia leaves when it starts boiling. Add ginger, pepper and cumin, all of them pasted or powdered, and curd and salt when the pulses are boiled. Churn the liquid so that the pulses melt thoroughly. Then take the pan down.

Heat the ghee in another pan with the panch-foron and fenugreek in it. When they are fried pour in the liquid dal. Boil for a few minutes more and take down.

MASUR DAL (Alternative).

Required:—Masur dal 1/2 seer, ghee 1/2 powa, curd 1 chhatak, ginger-juice 1 tola, pepper 1/2 tola, cumin 1/2 tola, turmeric 1/4 tola, a few cassia leaves, salt 11/4 tola, cardamom, cinnamon and clove 1/4 tola altogether, panch-foron 1 pinch, water 1 seer, a few green chillies.

Method:—Wash the dal and keep them under water