Page:Indian Cookery and Confectionery.djvu/57

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5 minutes. Then pour in water and cover the boiling pot. Add salt, turmeric, cumin, pepper and ginger, all pasted or powdered, when the rice are half-boiled. Brown pieces of potatoes and onions in ghee or oil and drop them in the khechuri. Add ghee and powdered garam-masalla before finish. Almonds, pistachios and raisins, peeled and cut in pieces, may be added if desired after browning them in ghee. Mix adequate quantities of rose-water with the khechuri in every dish before serving.


Required:—Same as those required in the previous case plus cauliflower.

Method:—Prepare khechuri exactly in the same process as in the case of Golapi-khechuri. Only add browned pieces of cauliflowers instead of onions or along with onions. Entire grams, after keeping them under water for a few hours, are generally browned and added to the khechuri along with the cauliflowers.


Required:—Fried moog-dal 1 seer, rice 1/2 seer, ghee 1 powa, potato 1/2 seer or more, onion 1/2 seer, raisins 1/2 powa, almonds 1 chhatak, ginger 1 chhatak, pistachios 1/2 chhatak, salt 1/2 chhatak, cumin 1 tola, turmeric 1 tola, pepper 1/2 tola, garam-masalla 1/2 tola, a few cassia leaves and red chillies, and one ripe cocoa-nut if desired.

Method —Drop rice when the water boils. Drop pulse when, the rice are half boiled. Then add salt and