Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/137

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BELTING TO INDIA by wbit? lines on s black background ? Thsy look ugly and are no? so &s ?he ordinary black lines on whit? ground. The second par? of ?he volume eon?sins valuable sbs?rse? tables of foreign ?rsde, whieh provide de?ails sufficient for many purposes. I? is only for de?siled inves?igs$ions '?hs? th? large annual volumes of s?s?is?ies of sea.borne ?rsde need be referrod to. H.S. $NVONS' Reioo?t of tl? Arieultm'al Besazreh b?stit?te and College, . Puss (incitecling the tieport of the Imperial Cotton Specialist, 1915.16), Published by Superintendent, (}overnmen? Printing, India, Csleu?s: 1916, pp. iv, 11/i, Priee 6 amw?s or 7d. This repor? embodies ?he many.sided se?ivi?y of ?he Eeseareh Institute of Puss. In addition ?o the repor? of ?he Director, whieh is s general ons, we have apeelM reports about their see?ions fro?ii ?he Imporisl Agrieul?uris?, ?he Imporis/ Agrieul?ursl Chemis?, ?he Imperial Eeonomie Botanist, ?he Imporisl Myeologis?, ?he Imporisl En?omologis? and the Agrieul?ursl Bacteriologist. The Eesesrehes carried on during ?he year por?sin ?o s variety of ?hings,-ehief among ?hem being, green manures, ?he problem of infertility of soil under ?rees, riee as su article of die?, swee? potato as s possible source for ?he eommereisl produe?ion of s?sreh, ?he es?sblishmen? of new grades of whes? in India, expori. men?s wi?h //svs indigo seed, ?he eul?ivs?ion and propagation of frui? ?rees,-the fungus diseases of erops and plan?s and ?he pes?s ?hs? sffee? eo?on and riee, and o?her beetle.grubs ths? lay eggs on pea-pods, ?he s?orsge experiments, ?he es?le flies and mosquitoes. The.Co..?on Speei?s? has been making s ?our ?o examine the varieties of eo?on and ?he possibilities of ?heir develop. ment, espeeially the Cambodia and Dharwar.Ameriesn. He makes valuable recommendations with regard to Indian eotton growing. The ?o?al Es. 4,68,817. expondi?ure during ?he year 1915.16 was The gross receipts .from ?he sale of farm produce, milk, publications of ?he department, and o?her ar?ieles arnountil ?o Es. 15,$40. A sum of Es.?8,502 was spon? on "Sugar Expsrimen?s" in ?he United ?'rovinees, in addition to ?he above expenditure. Bu? sgsins? ?hese figures we may pu? ?he es?imst? of ?he ImpsriM Eeonomio Bo?snis? subs?i?u$ion of ?he eoun?ry %vhea?s by Puss No. 12 would.mean