Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/138

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126 REIEW$ OF BOOKS an immadiat? average i.ncrease iu. yie!d of fifteen rupees an acre. It is estimated that when thxs new wheat ?as been adopted for the entire area sown, the aggregate increase of the value of the crop will be not less than ten crores for the Unitrod Provinces alone. In addition to the Scientific work of the Institutm, students were trained for Post-Graduate Course in the various sections, and short courses were also given in cattle management and scri-culture.

kmongst the most impor?aut publications of the Institute

is the Agricultural Journal of India--a special number being published, inclu&?ng all papers of agricultural interest .?'ead at the Third Indian January 1916. The College is likely to development of India. prove Science Congress held at Lucknow in work of the Research Institute and the 'very useJul for the agrieul?-ural