Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/596

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ti. BT?NLEF JEFON$ are comparatively small, and cert?nly they do not affect the general result which shows an enormous accretion to the capital fimd of India during the year under review. T?BLE IV CAPITAL ACCOUNT (0,000% omitted) R?c?ipts, Increases of Assets and Dzcrzaszs of Liabilities. Inetease of Famine Relief Fund 1,21,9 Ineresse of Provineisl Balanees 8,59,6 Imperial Surplus (From T?ble III) 1?,?,5 Addition to Gold Stan: dard Reserve 6,$2,0 Ineresse of Fidueisry Portion of Paper Currency Reserve 28,49,1 8alzs Land 8ales and redemp- tion of land revenue ?3,8 Civil works (buildings, m&?eri&ls, e?e.) 5,1 Miscellaneous 5,8 Pa!Iments, Dzcreas?s of ,4ssds and lncr?ase? of Liabilitio. Rs. Expenditure on ways eharged Capital Construction of Pro- teefive Irrigation rail- to works (Famine Relief Fund) Cost of Works New Public charged to revenue :-- Buildings Roads Provinoial railways 2,80.8 50,0 1,61,4 47,4 0,8 Dzbt Bzduction Dzbt Incrzases Payments in reduetion of debt on account of Famine Belief Fund Permanent Debt Discharged :- By repsymeu? By eonversions Temporary l)eb? dis. eh&rged 71,8 1,65,6 80,8 19,50,0 P?. 74,48,0 Permanent Debt Increase of Savings Bank and other De- posits Local Funds Temporary curred Debt in. Balanee, being the net inerease ot Asseats of the Government of India 7,88,5 2,22,0 16,4 7,91,5 50,94,7 /?. 74,48,0